//Sweet Dreams

The Dreamer ♥

Hello~! My name is Dreamy. Well, last night I've dream about my one special person. He make me feels like.. having a very very special feeling. PUT ANYTHING ABOUT YOU HERE. I'M JUST GIVING YOU AN EXAMPLE.

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B.A.P fanfiction - PART 6
Heyya peeps.. Wow.. I just posted part 5 this morning.. And it's 12 hours after the fifth part. So...Here it is.!!  >.<

"SooHyeon-ah, could wait for a sec. I have to do a guy thing," DaeHyun said, smiling.

"Um? Ok. But hurry up. Our order is gonna be here any minute," she answered.

DaeHyun then got  up and walks towards the men's restroom. He walked past a table, knocking it slowly. SeoYang was there, covering her face with the menu in her hand. He gave SeoYang a smile and his mouth muttered 'Hwaiting' to encourage SeoYang.

Getting the signal, she got up from her chair, moving towards SooHyeon that was busy scrolling down her phone. She then took a seat in front of SooHyeon, where Daehyun sat earlier.

"Well, that was fast, DaeHyun-ah," SooHyeon said, looking up. To her surprise, the person that she really didn't want to see the most is sitting in DaeHyun's seat, SeoYang.

Her facial expression immediately changed. Her hand grabs her purse and got up fro the chair.

Quickly, SeoYang grabs SooHyeon's hands. "SooHyeon-ah, please. Please stay for a while and listen to what I'm trying to explain. Please just hear me out for a sec."

SooHyeon gave in. She sat back on her chair, but not looking at SeoYang. She's still mad about HimChan treating SeoYang like his girlfriend. "Palli. I dont have time for this. I've got errands to do."

"Firstly, I just wanna say that, I'm sorry. I really am. I didnt mean to ruin our friendship, SooHyeon-ah. About Channie oppa. He's like a brother to me; a big, idiot, hyperactive brother. I dont know that you have feelings for him. If I knew, I'd stay away from him."

"Jamkan. Who told you that I have feelings for HimChan? I didn't even tell anyone about it." Her face was as red as cherry tomato. No one ever knew about this. She barely talked about it.

"Actually, YoungJae told me about that. Mianei, SooHyeon-ah." SeoYang looked down. "But the point is, I have no feelings for Channie oppa. We're just like, two long lost siblings."

SooHyeon kept her mouth shut, didnt wanna say a word. She looked at SeoYang silently, giving her Please-Continue look.

"I just wanted to tell you that. I'm just really sorry for getting close to Channie oppa. Will you forgive me?"

Just then, SooHyeon laughs hysterically until her tears escapes from her eyes. "You totally got me fooled, SeoYang-ah. Never thought I would say this but, I'm sorry too, for what had happen. It was just so stupid of me. Fighting with my friend because of jealousy. Mianei, SeoYang-ah."

SeoYang smield widely. "So, we're cool?"

"Yeah. We're cool." SooHyeon smiled. "But SeoYang-ah. Dont you have any crush on any one of those goofballs? I mean, you gotta have at least one. They are super cute and super hot anyway."

"Crush? Err.. I.. I uh.. I uh.."

"So, I see both of you finally made up right?" DaeHyun asks, taking a seat.

"Yah, Pabo Dae. Why do you have to interrupt when we're talking about something important? scolded SooHyeon.

DaeHyun made a annoyed face. "How was I supposed to know? So, what was that important thing again? Come on. Share it. I could keep a secret."

"Well, SeoYang was about to tell me who she f..."

As fast as lightning, SeoYang covered SooHyeon's mouth, not allowing her to blurt out anything that they were talking about. "Nothing. It was nothing. Really."

"Didnt we were just talking about who you..."

She had SooHyeon's mouth covered again. She's not gonna tell DaeHyun that she fancies him. That sexy eating monster about her feelings. No way. 

DaeHyun gave them both a suspicious look. "Ok then. If you're not gonna tell me about it, then fine." He pouted.

Darn it. He looks so cute when pouting. SeoYang blushes and smiled at the same time, looking like a total idiot at that pabo. "Aw. You mad? Dont care, she said, laughing and sticking her tongue out.

At that tme, SooHyeon finally caught SeoYang red-handed why SeoYang didnt wanna talk about it in front of DaeHyun. "SeoYang-ah," she called. "I know already. Your secret is safe with me."

She gave SeoYang a wink and a large smile.

"Gukkie oppa!"

YongGuk immediately turns around, looking at SeoYang that was standing at the door, smiling sweetly at him. Immediately, he stopped working and make his way towards SeoYang and hugs her tightly.

"SeoYang-ah, nae dongsaeng. It's been a while since I got to see you," he said, swinging SeoYang to the left and to the right. "Are you ok? Are you sick?" he asks, concerned. His hands then gently strokes SeoYang's hair. "I've missed you a lot you know."

The girl chuckled. "Aish oppa. I'm ok. Just had some problems, but it got sorted out already. Mianei." She hugs YongGuk back. "I missed you too, oppa. I missed you a lot. Lets go have some ramen when you're not busy sometime."

"Arasseo."  He then lets go of the hug. "Next time, if you have any problems, tell oppa. Ok? You know I'm always there for you, right?"

"Em. Nan ara," she said, flashing YongGuk a bright smile.

"SeoYang-ah. You ready?" DaeHyun asks, looking straight into the studio. He was holding SeoYang's coat in one hand and his coat on the other hand.

"Dae. Coming." She focuses back at YongGuk. "I'll be going now. See you later ok?" She then gave YongGuk a peck on the cheek before heading out with DaeHyun.

Just as SeoYang and DaeHyun walks out of the studio, HimChan came in. "Yah. That's SeoYang with DaeHyunie right? Aren't you jealous?"

"Why should I be jealous?" YongGuk asks back, slouching on his chair, grabbing his pen and a piece of paper.

"Well, I thought you have a little something for her."

YongGuk gave HimChan a faint smile. "I dont think she has the same feeling as I do. I'm probably just like an older brother to her." He scribbled the word 'COMA' on top of the paper, and started to think of a good lyric for it..

to be continued.....

p/s it's almost the end of the fanfic..maybe a couple more parts or 3 more..i'm not sure.. ^^

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