//Sweet Dreams

The Dreamer ♥

Hello~! My name is Dreamy. Well, last night I've dream about my one special person. He make me feels like.. having a very very special feeling. PUT ANYTHING ABOUT YOU HERE. I'M JUST GIVING YOU AN EXAMPLE.

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B.A.P fanfiction - PART 5
As promised yesterday on twitter.. I'll post part 5 today this afternoon. But since I'm bred.. I'm gonna post it a few hours earlier.. Kekekeke.. Enjoy.. ^^

"HimChan-ah. How was she? Is she coming?" YongGuk asks as HimChan walks in the house.

HimChan then slumps on the couch, feeling a bit tired for running away, trying to hide from his fans as he actually sneaked out without their manager hyung. "She said she's not coming. She's busy."

"Oh. Ok then." The leader then sat beside HimChan, offering him a glass of water. "Did something happened at her college? Your face has that Where-Did-I-Go-Wrong thing going on."

"Yeah. She tried to run away from me. I think she saw someone that made her freak out."

HimChan then lets out a big, heavy sigh. "I'm actually starting to miss her energetic and hyper self. SeoYang is like, the female version of me."

Meanwhile, YoungJae was eavesdropping in the kitchen about what his hyungs were talking about. He's the only person that knows what actually took place. He then now understands what SeoYang meant the other day.

She sat on the bench, close to the playground, alone. Her eyes were all red, and her eyebags are now visible to everyone as she has been crying her heart out since the day HimChan came to her college. It was a few days ago and she has been crying till now because SooHyeon now didnt even want to see her face anymore.

She's now officially staying away from the boys as she didnt want anything to go a lot worst then before. She really wanted to go to the studio, but it'll only cause chaos.

"SeoYang-sshi," someone called.

She looked up, noticing DaeHyun standing in front of her, looking worried. "Neon, kenchana?"

"Nan kenchana. Wae?" She then tries to act all ok and cheerful as she was before. "Why do you ask me that question. I'm perfectly fine."

DaeHyun sat beside her. "Hey. You dont have to act all ok when you're not, SeoYang-shhi. YoungJae told me everything about it already. So practically, I've already known the whole story."

"Aish. Pabo Jae. Does he have to tell everyone what happened?"

"Dont be mad at him. I was the one that asked himif he knows everything. So, he just blurt it all out." His hands started to stroke SeoYang's back, trying to calm her down. "Wanna talk about it? I'm all ears for you now, ok?"

SeoYang shuts her mouth and look down on the grass. She kept playing with the tip of her shoes. "I've made a mistake, a huge one. I shouldn't have gotten close to Channie-oppa. I didnt know that SooHyeon likes him.  If only I knew earlier, it wouldn't be like this. It's all my fault."

Her tear sack started to break again. DaeHyun then gently wipes it off from her eyes and cheeks. "Yah, dont cry. It's not your fault. You wouldn't know that SooHyeon likes HimCHan-hyung if it wasnt for YoungJae, right?"

"Look. I'll help you out with this thing. But, you're gonna have to do something first for in return for the favor. Only then, I'll help you out." He has that naughty smirk on his face. "Do we have a deal?"

SeoYang flashes him a bright smile. "What? I'll do anything that you asked. As long as I could be friends again with SooHyeon." She got a little excited. Finally someone that helps her out.

"It's very simple actually," DaeHyun said, still smirking. He leans closer to SeoYang's ears and whispers, "You're gonna have to kiss me first, Seoyang-sshi."

SeoYang blushed. "Mwoya?! Yah, Jung Pabo, you perve." She hits DaeHyun lightly on the shoulders. Looking at SeoYang's face, he burst out laughing.

"I'm just playing aroud, silly. I only wanted to see that sweet smile of yours again. Just like the first time we met; you remember? When I tackled JunHong?" DaeHyun smiled widely, giving SeoYang butterflies on her stomach. "Can you smile for me?"

His hands played with a few strands of SeoYang's long, black hair. SeoYang blushes again with a smile on her face. "Arasseo. I'll smile. Ok? But please help me out in this."

"Arasseo, arasseo. Aigoo. You're really impatient."

From across the park, somewhere a bit hidden from the others, YongGuk and HimChan have been watching over at SeoYang and DaeHyun. Both of the guys made a face when DaeHyun looks like he's trying to make SeoYang fell for him.

YongGuk then felt a bit relieved, seeing SeoYang's bright smile again while DaeHyun jokes around with her. So did HimChan. But as he couldn't hear anything that SeoYang and DaeHyun were talking about earlier that made SeoYang cried, he's still a bit curious.

What actually happened?

to be continued....

p/s part 5 is kinda like.. a bit of a lovey-dovey session. Hope you guys enjoy it and anticipate for part 6.. ^^

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