//Sweet Dreams

The Dreamer ♥

Hello~! My name is Dreamy. Well, last night I've dream about my one special person. He make me feels like.. having a very very special feeling. PUT ANYTHING ABOUT YOU HERE. I'M JUST GIVING YOU AN EXAMPLE.

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Template by: Nisrina Khalilah

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B.A.P fanfiction - PART 7
Heyya. Sorry for the late post, peeps. I got tired today. i've walked about 6km today.. Kekeke. Have fun reading it.. ^^

"DaeHyun-ah. Look, look." SeoYang called. When DaeHyun spuns around, he made an aegyo, wearing bunny ears. "Bbuing~~ Bbuing~~"

That causes DaeHyun to laugh. "Kyeopta." He said, pinching SeoYang's chubby cheeks lightly. "But SeoYang-ah. Please dont make it hard for me. Please."

Making it hard for him? What is? She's just playing around as always. It wasnt the first time she did an aegyo in front of him. She used to teach YongGuk how to do an aegyo properly, replacing HimChan's place as the aegyo teacher.

"Hey look! A haunted house. Lets go there," SeoYang said. She pointed out at a horror-looking house in the middle of the carnival. Immediately, she pulled DaeHyun's hands with her, dragging him towards the house.

"Two tickets please," she said at the lady at the entrance.

She then gave SeoYang and DaeHyun a map and a torchlight. "It's very dark in there so be careful ok?" the lady said.

"Arasseo. Come on, DaeHyun-ah."

DaeHyun hold on to SeoYang's hands. "Jamkan. Lets make a bet first. How about that? It'll be a lot fun." He had a naughty smile on his face

"Ok. What bet?" "The person who screams the most lose." "The consequence for the loser?"  "The person that lose has to follow the winner's order. Deal?"

SeoYang smiled widely, looking confident in winning the bet. "Ok. Arasseo. Let the battle of the screams begins."

SeoYang sulks all the way back. She lost, bad. Well, it wasnt her fault. The props used in the haunted house freaked her out. She eve had to hug DaeHyun all the way till the exit.

"Yah, Kwon SeoYang. Stop sulking," scolded DaeHyun.

His hands are intertwined with SeoYang's. When SeoYang asks why he didnt want to let go of her hands, he didnt gave her any answer, kept his mouth shut and kept holding on to that hand.

They walked all the way from the bus stop to the cafe that DaeHyun loves to drop by everytime he could go out alone. Since the weather seems a bit damp, a cup of hot coffee would be nice.

Both of them went to the counter and order their coffee. Mocha for DaeHyun and latte for SeoYang. They then both order a cheesecake each.

"Mianei. but there's only a slice left," the waitress said.

Both DaeHyun and SeoYang had a telepathy battle for that one slice. Finally SeoYang gave up and gave DaeHyun the cheesecake.

As both of them waited for their coffee, they went to took a seat at the corner of the cafe, DaeHyun bringing the cheesecake with him. SeoYang played with her phone, still sulking for losing the bet and the cheesecake that she love.

The buzzer then started to buzz on the table, signaling that their coffees are done and waiting to be taken. DaeHyun gave SeoYang a look. "Go take the coffee. That's an order."

Whining, SeoYang got up and went to the counter with the buzzer. She gave back the buzzer and took both cups with her back to the table.

"Dont disturb me, again." She took a sip from the cup, loving the taste. The foams formed on top of the cup sticks on her lips.

"Yah. Cant you drink properly?" DaeHyun asks, wiping off the foam off from her lips. He then sucks the foam from his thumb. "It's sweet."

"They gave us tissue for your information." She gave DaeHyun a stare and blushes. The way DaeHyun act, is kinda weird today. And with DaeHyun wiping and licking the foam from her lips, it's a lot weirder. It looked like he stole a kiss from her.

DaeHyun moves to the seat next to SeoYang. "Hey. I have another order."

"What now?" SeoYang asks.

DaeHyun looks at her, smiling shyly. "Share this cake with me. I wont take no as an answer. That's an order."

Wait. What? SeoYang stared at DaeHyun with a questioned look on her face. "Seriously? You? Want me to share this cake? With you? The eating monster guy that hates sharing? Is this just a trick or what?"

DaeHyun took SeoYang's hands, holding it tight but with care. His thumb caressing the back of the girl's hands softly. 

"Look SeoYang-ah. Since the day you stepped into TS Entertainment, you had me in your grasp. hat look you gave me, the shocked look when I tackled JunHong, that cute smile you gave me when you introduce yourself, it kept playing over and over again in my mind. I could feel that I'm having butterflies in my stomach."

"My heart flutters when I saw you dance to our song, singing along with it. I was mesmerized. Then suddenly, you stopped coming to our practice. It kinda breaks my heart because I dont know the reason why you didnt want to come."

His face was as red as the sweater that he's wearing. His eyes looking straight into SeoYang's eyes. "That' why I looked for you and help you out. I missed you, SeoYang-ah. And it's killing me slowly. Looking at your sad face kills me even more."

"When I saw you smile again, I was so relieved. I'm really relieved.  I love to see you smile. I live everyday to see that smile. Whenever I saw you, it's like all of my problems fade away. My sorrows turns into happiness. That's when I realize, I dont like you.."

SeoYang was puzzled. "Hold up. You didnt like me? Then why do you say that it's killing you when I'm sad, looking for me. What's the meaning of that? Are you playing around with me?"

"Dont do that when I'm talking." He looked really serious this time. "Yes. I didnt like you. Because now I realize that I'm in love with you. No. Not just in love. But I'm truly, madly, deeply, and crazy in love with you, SeoYang-ah. Saranghae."

"So now, I wanna ask. Would you be mine, Kwon SeoYang?"

SeoYang chuckled. "You have no idea how long that I've been waiting for you to ask me that." She then hugs DaeHyun tightly. "Nadu, saranghae. And yes I wanna be yours."


"Dae." She smiled brightly. "But  one thing, DaeHyun-ah. At the carnival, you told me to not making it hard for you. I dont really understand what that means."

"Oh. That." He held SeoYang by the chin, one of his hand on SeoYang's back. "If you said no to my question earlier, it would be hard for me not to do this."

Slowly, he leans in for a kiss. Both of his hand then travels down SeoYang's waist, hugging them tightly. 

"It was just too impossible for me to resist from kissing your sexy lips," he mumbled, smiling cutely.

"You're just being too cheesy, DaeHyun-ah," she replied, giggling.

to be continued.....

p/s hey..this isnt the end ok..hahaha..wait for the ending ok..toodles.. ^^

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