//Sweet Dreams

The Dreamer ♥

Hello~! My name is Dreamy. Well, last night I've dream about my one special person. He make me feels like.. having a very very special feeling. PUT ANYTHING ABOUT YOU HERE. I'M JUST GIVING YOU AN EXAMPLE.

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B.A.P fanfiction - PART 4
Assalamualaikum.. Heyya peeps.. It's been a hectic week for me.. Just finished my maths final exam.. And since I'm gonna have to wait for another week for my final paper for this semester, I think I'm gonna get to finish this fanfic by this week.. Kekeke.. This is PART 4!

"SeoYang-ah!" shouted YoungJae from the door frame.

The girl was sitting alone on the bench outside of the studio. She flashed YoungJae a smile that quickly fades away. The temperature has been very low. So SeoYang was partly frozen for sitting outside for a few hours.

YoungJae came running towards her, holding her coat in one hand and a cup of hot chocolate in the other. He the places the coat over the frozen girl. 

"Yah. Neo michesseo? What are you doing sitting outside? Wanna freeze to death are you?" he scolded. 

"Jeez. And I thought only Channie oppa is the only one that's like the acting mother here." SeoYang smirked. She then sighed, a heavy one. She took the cup from YoungJae's hand and gulp the drink down. "YoungJae-ah. Can I ask you something?"

YoungJae looked at her, staring her straight in the eyes. "Knew you have something that you hid. So, what are you gonna ask?"

"Well, I saw that you're kinda, very close to SooHyeon," she started after shutting her mouth for a while. "Did she ever tell you anything? Like her problems, her crush, or anything?"

The guy immediately knew what had happened, but he still didnt want answer her question. Instead, he gave her anther question for her question. "What made you say that? Did anything happen?"

"Just then, SooHyeon came. I ask her why she's suddenly leaving. She got mad at me. I dont know why. I just... Did I do anything that make her mad or something?"

"You're too innocent, SeoYang-ah." YoungJae smiled, weakly. "Haven;t you noticed? She got mad because you were close to HimChan-hyung. She has a thing for him. I dont think she's mad at you. She's just jealous. That's all."

SeoYang slumped into the cold bench. "So, it is my fault all along."

Out of the blue after a moment of silence, SeoYang hysterically laugh, making YoungJae jolted up from the bench. "Yah imma. Neon kenchana?"

"Hm? Nan kenchana. I'm just gonna do something that I should've done from the start. Thanks for the info, YoungJae-ah."

She then hugs YoungJae tightly and gave him a peck on the cheek before going back into the studio, leaving YoungJae puzzled on the bench.

HimChan crepts slowly behind SeoYang to give her a surprise. They haven't been hanging out lately and he just doesnt know why. As he get really close, he covered both of SeoYang's eyes with his big, beautiful hands.

"Guess who," he said, in a funny voice.

SeoYang shrieked. "Yah Why am I blind out of the sudden?" Her hands crept on both of the hand that were on top of her eyes. The uneasy feeling suddenly came. Slowly, she moves the hand and turn around to see who's been playing around with her.


She has been running away from HimChan for a few days now. But now, HimChan made a daring appearance at her college?! What the.. Surely now she wont get back along with SooHyeon if SooHyeon sees HimChan here.

"Why so surprised?" The guy than sat on the chair beside her, still smiling.  "Yah, Kwon SeoYang. Why didnt you come to the studio anymore? SooHyeon always drop by. You busy?"

"I uh.. I uh.. Yeah. I got some assignments that was due this week. So yeah. I'm busy."

As fast as she could, she settled up everything that's on the table to run away from HimChan. "I think you should go now. I'm going somewhere." She then got up from her chair.

Before she got the chance to run away, HimChan caught her by the wrist. "Hey. Chill. I just came by to see whether you're ok or not.YongGuk has been asking me about you. We're worried sick ok?"

"Well. You've seen me now. I'm perfectly fine. Thanks for being caring. Let go of me, oppa."

"Wait. I wanna ask. Are you free tonight? We could, have sushi and sashimi like we always do. I'm buying." He asked, tighten up the grip as SeoYang is trying hard to run away. "So, you coming?"

"I..uh.. I.."

Before she could answer, something caught her eye. SooHyeon. She has been staring at both SeoYang and HimChan from the beginning. How could she not notice SooHyeon?

Noticing that SeoYang already saw her, SooHyeon then furiously leave the room. That made SeoYang felt a lot worse than before.

"Mianei oppa. I have to go." She snatches her hands from HimChan's grip and ran away. She then looked everywhere for SooHyeon to explain what really happened but SooHyeon was nowhere to be seen.

HimChan stayed at the room as he was still confused with SeoYang's attitude towards him earlier. What actually did happen to that girl?

to be continued.....

thats the end of part 4..hope u look forward to part 5 peeps... ^^

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