//Sweet Dreams

The Dreamer ♥

Hello~! My name is Dreamy. Well, last night I've dream about my one special person. He make me feels like.. having a very very special feeling. PUT ANYTHING ABOUT YOU HERE. I'M JUST GIVING YOU AN EXAMPLE.

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B.A.P fanfiction II - PART 3
Annyeong haseyo.. ^^ Firstly, mianei coz it took a while to post this part. Been busy lately, and I barely got to log in my blog. *bows* I hope this is satisfying. Really hoping it.. ^^

They wander around the city, walks into shops. They tried on some clothes, modelling it in front of each other, making goofy poses and taking selcas. They also went in to the candy shop, where they bought various kinds of candies, gummy sweets an jawbreakers. 

"JunHong-ah. Do you like playing games?" MinJee asks, popping a blue gummy bear into her mouth.

"Sure. I do. I'm a guy right? Of course I love games Wae?"

"Wanna go to the arcade? I know a friend's. Not too far from here."

"Gladly. Kaja, MinJee-ah. Lead the way!" Zelo went excited.

It's been a while since he hasnt been to the arcade for quite a while. It wasnt a big problem for both of them to go to the arcade as they just use the back alley to get there.

The owner of the arcade is a son of MinJee appa's great friend. They've known each other since MinJee was a kid. So they are really close to each other. Sneaking MinJee into the arcade wasnt such a big problem for him, even when wearing school uniform. He also had a secret room built to hide MinJee, in case anything happens.

When MinJee came in with Zelo, his face changes a bit He doesnt really like MinJee bringing in companies with her. It'll be hard for him to hide them, too. And seeing the gigantic Zelo behind MinJee is making him dislike companies.

Zelo quickly heads to the back of the arcade where MinJee told him where the dance machine was. Boy, that kid really likes to dance, a lot. But as he dance, his eyes were on MinJee as the girl was shooting some hoops on the basketball machine.

Hidden talent, Zelo thought. He maybe absent from school most of the time, but he still knows the school athletes. And he knows that MinJee wasnt in the athlete list. She could've be an athlete if she wasnt a timid person.

As he was busy looking at MinJee, his phone ringtone suddenly burst out loud, making both MinJee and the arcade owner looked at him. He took a glance at the caller ID and shuddered. "MinJee-ah. It's manager hyung. Eottokke? I forgot that school hours are over and he's waiting for me in front of the school."

The ringtone then ends, making Zelo exhale lightly. Just as he was about to say something, the ringtone was playing again. But this time, YongGuk's name was on it, not he manager.

MinJee eventually got annoyed as the phone keeps ringing non-stop. She took the phone off from Zelo's hand and answers it.

"Yah! Where are you? Hyung has been looking everywhere for you. Your sunsaengnim called, telling hyung that you skipped school. Neon eoddie? Tell me. Hyung will pick you up."

"Mianei, YongGuk oppa. I'm taking JunHong-ie out for some fun. I'll send him back to the dorm when we're done. Ok?"

"Dugunnie? Where's JunHong? Who are you? Did you kidnap him? Where are you. Marebwa."

"Mianei. But I cant tell you where we are now. Woa. Kidnap is such a strong word to use. I didnt kidnap him. I was just taking him to have some fun. Look. I promise I'll take him back when we're done in one piece, and alive of course. I'll take good care of JunHong. So, annyeong~~"

And with a click, MinJee ended the call. She then pulls out the battery and handed it to Zelo. "Just relax, and enjoy yourself. Arasseo? I know you've been through stress for the past few months. So, today is the day where no one can disturb you."

"But, what if we're caught?"

"I'll handle it. Just leave everything to me."

"So, how was it, JunHong-ah?" MinJee asks as they walk out of Lotte World.

Both of them had been hiding from everyone, mainly BABYs. The even bought masks and caps to disguise, especially Zelo, since he's on the run from TS management.

Zelo gave MinJee a smile. "It was fun. Komawo. I'm relieved. You were right.  I really should run away and enjoy myself sometimes."

That boy. He's so innocent. "Yeah. You really should.

Just then, a guy came close to them from behind He then smacks both Zelo's and MinJee's head, hard. The sound from the smacking attracted people nearby, but they then just move on.

"Yah! Who did that?!" MinJee said, turning around. To her surprise, it was..... B.A.N.G.Y.O.N.G.G.U.K.

"Hyung," Zelo muttered. His voice was practically shaking.

YongGuk stared at both of them. His face, well, he is pissed off. "You troublemakers. Was it fun to skip school to snoop around? You dont think people couldnt recognize you in the uniform?"

"Mianei hyung," Zelo pleaded. "It was my fault. I wont do it again."

"Yah. I know you're two years older than us, but it doesnt give you the right to hit us like that," MinJee said. She rubbed her head slowly as it still felt a bit stingy. "And yeah. It is FUN to SKIP school."

"You, you dont have the right to skip school, and bring JunHong with you!" YongGuk is really, really mad. He was never mad at anything. He never raised his voice. But this time, it's off limit. "He had skipped enough. If his grade is bad, he cant enter the art university. And skipping school wont help him to get good grades, god dammit!"

"Aish, this ahjussi. Arasseo. Arasseo. I could teach him." MinJee looked confident as she said that. "I can be his personal tutor if you want to."

YongGuk laughs. "You? The on who skips school wants to teach JunHong? Are you even qualified? Did you even pass your exams?"

Zelo then barges in. "Hyung, she's one of the Top 10 students in school. She's practically brilliant." He then smiles at MinJee again. "She's really, really smart. Even smarter than YoungJae hyung. Please let her be my tutor, hyung. Please."

YongGuk than gives Zelo a sharp glance, making the giant baby shut his mouth. He then change his glance towards MinJee that's still standing, looking rather confident than before. "What's the catch?"

"Not much. Just let me take JunHong out for some fun sometimes. And I get access to your company and your dorm to tutor JunHong everyday. The fee is free of charge."

"Fine. I'll talk to manager hyung about that. As long as you teach JunHong so he could get good grades."

Zelo smiled widely and hugs his hyung tight. "Komawo hyung. Chincah komawo."

to be continued.....

p/s: once again, i'm really sorry for not updating for quite a long time. i'm busy settling things during my semester break that i have no time to log in my blog. i'll do my best to post part 4 soon.. ^^

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