//Sweet Dreams

The Dreamer ♥

Hello~! My name is Dreamy. Well, last night I've dream about my one special person. He make me feels like.. having a very very special feeling. PUT ANYTHING ABOUT YOU HERE. I'M JUST GIVING YOU AN EXAMPLE.

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Bring the memories back


Basecode: Lurve
Template by: Nisrina Khalilah

Editor & Owner:

Assalamualaikum and a very, very good morning. First of all, this is a special fanfic for a friend. I knew her from twitter and all I know abut her is that she's still schooling, a BABY and really, really loves Kim HimChan.. Kekekekekeke.. And since today is her birthday, this is a very special present for her. Never wrote a birthday present for anyone before..

So, Hajar-ah.. Once again, SAENGIL CHUKAHAE!!!

                “I would have a decaf mocha please.”

            A girl, with a high ponytail tied behind to the back of her head nodded and head to the back to make the coffee. She has been working there for a few months now as a part-timer as she’s still schooling. Her name tag had the name KIM SEONMI written on it.

            Done working on the mocha, she handed it to the customer smiling and bowing, saying ‘Please come again’ as usual. Sure is tiring working after 8 hours of school, but it’s worthed. At least she’ll be having her monthly pay.

            Then, the bell chimes, signalling another customer just walked in the café. Immediately, she stands up straight behind the counter. She then force herself to smile despite the tiredness that’s killing her.

            “Welcome. What can I get for you, sir?” she asks politely.

            There are half a dozen of customer that surrounded the counter, making her sigh slowly. ‘This will be hectic for me,’ she thought.

            “Yes.” The first one said, smiling. He pull down his shades a bit and smiled. “Can I get miss Kim SeonMi please? I have been missing her since I was very busy.” He then smiled, showing his bunny teeth.

            SeonMi’s eyes widen. “Uppie? Is that you?” she said, jumping out of the counter. She then hugs her best friend tightly. “Man, I’ve been missing you badly.”

            JongUp hugs SeonMi back and patted her on the back. “It has been a while. So, how are you doing now? Heard that you got into an arts school eh?”

            “Yeah.” She took a glance at JongUp and smirks. “Wow, you got pretty taller than me. The last time I saw you, you were shorter than me, mr shortie pants.”

            “Yah. I’m a man now, ok.” JongUp merong. “Oh yeah. I also brought a few friends with me.”

            SeonMi smiled and bows at all five of them. “So, don’t you wanna introduce them?”

            “Sorry. My bad.” JongUp gave SeonMi a silly smile for his silly mistake. “This is YongGuk. He has a very, very raspy voice. YoungJae, our brain. If you have any problems in your studies, just ask him. DaeHyun, sir-eats-talks-a-lot. Give him cheesecake and he’ll go crazy for it. JunHong, our giraffe. He’s your age by the way. And last but not least, king of aegyo, HimChan.”

            SeonMi’s eyes lit as she look at HimChan. Those sharp eyes, perfect curved lips, flawless skin. Her heart flutters the longer she stares at that guy.

            “Yah. I know they’re good looking but stop staring. And close your mouth. You’re gonna drool. And I don’t have anything to hold it.” JongUp teases, laughing.

            The girl blushes. “You and your teases.” She took another glance at HimChan, smiling shyly. “I think you guys better take a seat now. I’ll bring the coffee ok?”

            “I’ll have Americano please. Iced Americano.” HimChan gave SeonMi a smile. He really does love Americano. No doubt about it.

            “One iced Americano coming up. Go, go. Pick a table.”

            Although the café didn’t attract many customers like any other cafes, still, they must’ve wanted somewhere a bit private to talk. Especially when she get to meet again with her best friend from kindergarden. He must have lots of stories to tell her, and so did she.

            Her hands work fast enough to make 7 types of coffee in less than 10 minutes.  She place all of the mugs on the tray and bring all of it to the table where the 6 of the boys were waiting while talking to each other.

            As she place the tray on the table, the one called HimChan immediately grab his iced Americano and drank it quietly. DaeHyun grab mocha while the others just grab anything that was left, leaving another mug of Americano on the tray.

            “So, where are you now, Uppie-ah? Never heard anything from you since your family moved away,” SeonMi asks, sipping on the Americano. She just love the scent of the coffees. That’s why she didn’t eve mind working till midnight at the café. The scent of coffee makes her addicted, makes her high without her knowing it.

            JongUp smiled sweetly at SeonMi. “Well, we were all trainees at a company now. We’ll be debuting in a few months.”

            “Chincah? I cant wait. My Uppie us going to be an artist!”

            Just then, YongGuk smacks the back of JongUp’s head, not too hard but enough to make a bit hitting sound. “Yah. You shouldn’t told her that. It wont be a surprise then.”

            “Aigoo this kid. Told you to shut it at the dorm,” YoungJae added. His pursed lips then crashes on the mug, sipping some more coffee.

            The girl giggled. “Kenchana. I’ll keep it a secret ok? I’m not a blabber anyway. I’ve been keeping lots of Uppie’s secrets since we were a kid.” She then gave JongUp a wink.

            “What kind of secret? You have to tell me those,” DaeHyun said, looking cheekily. He raises his eyebrows at JongUp, trying to scare that blur kid.

            “Like I said. I’m not  blabber ok.”

            “Hey. Kidding ok.” DaeHyun flashes SeonMi another smile.

            Zelo moves a bit forward. “So, noona. Which arts school did you get into?”

            “Sungdae middle school. Wae?”

            “Sungdae?” Zelo’s eyes lits. “I went there too. How can I not see you there?” The by went excited.

            SeonMi smiled. “I haven’t seen you too.”

            “Yah. You’re busy with your training. That’s why you didn’t see her there you barely go to school, JunHong-ah,” JongUp said, messing with Zelo’s blonde hair. “You have a mind of an old person. Cant remember anything.”

            “Whatever. Hyung is so mean.” The boy pouted and sips on his coffee.

            Those guys. Although they just met each other today, its like they have already met before this. They could joke, play around as if they knew each other just like the back of their hands.

            But as they joked and goofing around, SeonMi couldn’t take her eyes of the Americano-monster, HimChan. That guy, he looks so cute and handsome, so angelic too. Huh. She didn’t even know that a guy like that existed.

            “SeonMi-ah~~” HimChan called as he entered the café.

            He looked everywhere for SeonMi, but the girl was nowhere to be seen. He looked at the counter where she usually was, but she wasn’t there too. He caught another waitress by the arm.

            “Chogiyo, is Kim SeonMi in today?” he asks.

            The waitress looked at him, puzzled for a while. “She’s on her leave today. Are you the one she called HimChan?”

            “Nae. I’m HimChan. Wae?”

            She then went to the back of the café for a while then came out again, bringing a coffee for him. “She asks me to give this to you since she wont be around today.”

            himChan’s eyes sparkled when he saw the Americano. “Komawo. I’ll be going now.” He then smiles before going out of the café while sipping on the coffee. “This is just so good.”

            He walked around the city of Seoul, wondering around without having in mind where to actually go. Looking at people walking around with their couple or families made him smile. He loves it.

            “Ouf. Mianei,” he said as he bumped into someone.

            “Kenchana,” the girl replied, brushing her school uniform. She looked up, looking straight at HimChan’s face. “Omo. Channie oppa!”

            It was SeonMi that he bumped to. He smiled widely when he looked at the girl’s face. “SeonMi-ah. Never thought I could bump into you today, since you were on your break.”

            “How did you know I was on my break?” She took a glance on the cup. “Oh. You went there.” She smiled sweetly, showing her dimples that even JongUp never seen before. She looks so cute with it.

            HimChan felt his heart thumping hard on his chest. ‘Mwoya. What is this? This feels weird.’ He thought.

            His sight falls down only at SeonMi’s face. That kid. Why does his heart beats wild when looking at her? “SeonMi-ah. You busy today?”

            “Em? Ahnio. I’m just going to the bookstore, to buy some novels. Wae? Oppa wanna join me?” She stills smiles brightly, but her dimples are now hiding. “I don’t mind if you wanna come. At least I’ll have a company.”

            “Sure. Why not.” He quickly finishes his coffee and made their way to the bookstore SeonMi was previously heading to. It wasn’t a long trip, so it wasn’t tiring at all.

            SeonMi got all hyper as she took a step in the book store. That girl, she’s really into books. She loves the smell of the new books that hasn’t been unwrapped, she loves the sight of the colourful books, laying on the book rack, waiting to be read. She just cant hold herself. It’s like she took an ecstasy that time.

            HimChan couldn’t help himself from stop laughing. That girl is just hilarious. She’s too funny, and adorable too. He just followed SeonMi while she made her way around the library, reading and smiling like a kid getting a candy.

            “SeonMi-ah. I’m gonna go to the toilet for a sec. wait for me here, arasseo?” HimChan said. They have been in there for a couple of hours and now he couldn’t help himself to keep hold of himself from peeing.

            “Arasseo, oppa. The toilet is over there by the way.” She pointed the direction of where the toilet was located while flashing a smile.

            HimChan then quickly made his way to the restroom, pouring out what he has been holding. It was a relief. He then quickly put his zipper up, washes his hands and make his way back to SeonMi, which is not where he left her.

            “Aish this kid. Told her to stay here.”

            He then quickly look for her everywhere. Since the bookstore is kinda huge, its very hard for him to look for her.

            Then, he saw her, standing by a rack, trying to reach for a book on the high shelf. Quickly, he made his way to SeonMi.

            Just then, he saw a man, trying to sneak his hands under SeonMi’s uniform (which is her skirt). ‘Oh no you don’t.” his feet ran quickly before the man’s hand could even sneak a bit into the skirt.

            “Back off, pervert. Do it once again and I’ll break your arm. Arasseo?” he said, looking all serious while holding onto the man’s hand. His eyes were as sharp as ever. And his face, boy it was red like, really red.

            SeonMi turns around, looking at who HimChan was talking to. “Oppa. Wae? Is there something wrong?”

            He then let go off the man’s hand and turns to SeonMi. He grasp SeonMi’s shoulder. “You, you better be careful next time. Ok? There are lots of perverts in this world and you could be a victim of them. Please, be careful, and extra careful when you’re wearing a skirt like now.”

            SeonMi gulped. HimChan’s face right now, it’s calming although he’s nagging in her ears right now. “Mianei, oppa. I was just too excited. I’ll be careful next time.”

            “Good then.” He then gave her a bright smile. “Got anything you like?”

            “Yup. I sure do.” She then shows HimChan the basket she has been carrying all around. “I just cant choose. Their synopsis are awesome.”

            The guy laughed. “Arasseo. Lets go pay and have coffee after this. It’s freezing cold out there.”

            “Nae oppa.”

            SeonMi stares at her newly bought novel. She was just so into it, not even looking up at HimChan who was staring at her. Her expression changes as the mood in the novel also changes. Sometimes she smiled, frowned, and even bites her nails because it was in suspense mode.

            While staring at her, HimChan scanned Seonmi’s face. Those big brown eyes staring deeply into the book, the small and cute nose, sometimes wriggling, those pursed red lips, seducing him without SeonMi even notices it. He was mesmerized, stunned, just like when you stare into Medusa’s eyes.

            SeonMi’s hand snaked around the table, looking for the handle of the cup. She accidentally dipped her hand into the hot coffee, making her shrieked cutely before pulling her finger out. She then attempts to blow it, trying to cool it off.

            HimChan got off from his chair and went to SeonMi. “Let me have a look,” he said, holding on to SeonMi’s hand. He pulled the hand towards him and looks at the finger.

“Aish. You should’ve been more careful.” He then slowly blows on to the finger with his cold breath and caress it with his thumb. “Better?”

SeonMi nodded slowly while blushing. This oppa couldn’t stop making her heart beat fast, like it almost burst out of her chest. “Komawo.” She smiles again, but this time, a lot sweeter and cute.

“Hey. Don’t smile like that. Don’t make it hard for me, SeonMi-ah,” he said, looking serious.

“Ah wae? I didn’t do anything wrong. I’m just smiling. What’s wrong with that? Cant I just smile? Then what can I do? A stone face?’ She pouts, sulking.

HimChan couldn’t held it any longer. One of his hands went to SeonMi’s chin, holding it with care. “You’re really testing me, SeonMi-ah. And I hate you for it.”

Without any warning, his lips went crashing on SeonMi’s. although it’s a sudden kiss, HimChan handled it carefully and softly. His other hand that was free snaked around SeonMi’s slim waist, pulling her close.

SeonMi’s eyes were wide open, shocked from what HimChan is doing now. But after a few seconds, she just go with the flow. Her jaws moving through the rhythm with HimChan’s.

They then stopped after a few minutes, gasping for air. HimChan stares right into SeonMi’s eyes. His cheeks were filled with the colour pink as he blushes wildly. “SeonMi-ah. There’s something I wanna talk to you about.”

SeonMi then blushes just like HimChan did, only worse. She place her finger on HinChan’s cute lips. “Shut it oppa. I wanna talk first.”

“Ok then. Go on,” he mumbled, smiling.

“Ok.” SeonMi smiles shyly. “Oppa, from the first time Uppie introduces you at the café I worked, I’ve already like you. Like, really really like you. You were too adorable. I… I…”

“I like you too, SenonMi-ah. I don’t know why, but my heart is thumping hard, everytime I saw you. The days when I went to the café to grab my Americano, it’s just an excuse to look at you, every single day. You’re my new addiction, SeonMi-ah.”

“You’re lying. You’re addicted to that Americano. Zelo told me everything at school, about your addiction.” SeonMi pouts again.

“Arasseo. Firstly, I only came for the coffee. But later then, I’m addicted to you. That’s the truth ok. Am not lying.”

He pecked SeonMi by the lips again and smile. “So, SeonMi-ah. Be mine?”

“Heck yeah I’ll be yours.” She then hugs HimChan tightly and smiled. “Saranghae oppa. Please take care of me.”

“I will. I promise ok?”


So..Hajar-ah.. Unni hoped that u liked it ok.. Once again.. Saengil chukahae! May all your wishes come true.. And may you dreamt of HimChan tonight ok? ^^

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