//Sweet Dreams

The Dreamer ♥

Hello~! My name is Dreamy. Well, last night I've dream about my one special person. He make me feels like.. having a very very special feeling. PUT ANYTHING ABOUT YOU HERE. I'M JUST GIVING YOU AN EXAMPLE.

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Basecode: Lurve
Template by: Nisrina Khalilah

Editor & Owner:

Assalamualaikum and a very, very good day. Kekeke.. As we all know, on April 19, it's HimChan's birthday. Saengil chukahae, oppa! Kekeke. Ok. This fanfic is a gift for him, though I'm sure he wont be reading it (poor me). Hahaha.. But what the heck. I'll just write it since it's a very special day. Once again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HIMCHAN OPPA!

            “Channie, open the door.”
            “MinJi? What happen? Why are you crying?” HimChan then tries to calm MinJi down by hugging her, rubbing her back, softly. “DaeHyun did something wrong during your date?”

            MinJi's face was full of dried tears now. Her cheeks were red. ”Wen went for a date, as usual. And he did the same thing, AGAIN!” “What? He picked cheesecake over you?”

           HimChan laugh hard when MinJi nodded. “Pabo MinJi. Yiou know DaeHyun. His mind is full of the visio n of food. And didnt you say that you'll accept him for whatever he is. No matter how weird he will be? Well, you just have to endure it.”

            “Talking to you is just the same if I talk to him. I'm wasting my time here” She lets go of HimChan. “Thanks for listening anyways. I'm going home now.”

           She then walks away, stomping on the ground. She was furious. Although HimChan called her to come back, she keeps ignoring it.

           Out of nowhere, DaeHyun came out, with a cake box in his hand. Surely there's a slice of cheescake in it. “MinJi-ah? What are you doing here? Are you cheating on me?”

            “What? Cheating on you?” Her hands were fast enough to slap DaeHyun. “I've never thought of cheating. I never cheat in my relationships. You're the one that's cheating on me, WITH FOOD!”

            Her tears rushes out of her cheeks, fast. “Oppa biwo!” As fast as she could, she runs away from HimChan's house. She couldnt bear to look at DaeHyuns face again. ‘I’ve never thought to cheat you. Never.

            “MinJi-ah... Chagiya?” He held on his cheeks. It was burning hot. 

            “Pabo. You were always saying things like that to her. Treating her bad. That's why she always came to see me.” scold HimChan.

            DaeHyun stares at his friend who was already standing right in front of him. “What is she doing here? You ask her to cheat on me then?”

            “Aish. Pabo Dae.” He gives DaeHyun ddakbam on the forehead, a hard one. “You never know how she feels right? Pabo. You never even bother to listen to her explanation why she came here.” Both of  them then walk inside for HimChan to give some lectures on DaeHyun.

            MinJi stares at her laptop, DaeHyun as her wallpaper. That pabo guy. Always making assumptions before she gets the chance to explain anything. Why did she even like him?

            “You jerk.” She slams her laptop. The furious feel is still playing in her.

            She then felt like someone was watching her. She lifts up her head, looking at DaeHyun who was staring down at her.

            “Mwoya? What do you want?” She looked down. Her heart was already broken. Seeing DaeHyun standing in front of her right now breaks her even more. "Just leave. I'm not in the mood to talk to anyone, mostly you."

            DaeHyun held MinJi's hands. “Chagiya. Naneun mianei. Ok? I didnt know what came to me last night. You running away on our date, makes me making bad assumptions bout you. And seeing you walking away from HimChan's house makes me think of something else. I thought that you were cheating.”

            “Well you got it wrong, moron,” MinJi scolded. She then pulls her hand from DaeHyun's grasp. She's still too mad with that guy.

            “Mianei? I'm still not used to this kind of situation. You're my first one. Please forgive me?” He tried to make a puppy face.. “I brought cake with me too. It’s your favourite; pecan butterscotch.”

            “Fine, but I want it whole.”She smiled cheekily. 

             DaeHyun smiled widely. “Anything for my precious baby.”

            Slowly, DaeHyun leans closer, kissing Mini for a few seconds. MinJi's cheeks were burning red. “Yah. If the lecturer sees that, we're cooked ok.”

            While both of the lovebirds were busy laughing, some was being down. He was staring at them from afar. And that guy, was HimCHan.

           It kills him to see DaeHyun with MinJi, as he loved her first. But what can he do. MinJi is his bestfriend, and so did DaeHyun. And all that matters is seeing both of them happy together.

            “I hope he'll like it. Man its hard to make this.” MinJi whining, alone in the kitchen. Her hands works slowly, squeezing the icing tube. She was trying her best to draw DaeHyun's figure on the cake.

            HimChan came sneaking behind MinJi, trying to see what she's doing. His hands then snakes around MinJi's waist, hugging her tightly. “Can I taste it?” he asks, smiling.

            MinJi spuns around. “Channie-ah. I thought it was him. Aish. This is for him. You have your own. It's in the fridge. And stop hugging me like this. DaeHyun is gonna accuse me again.”

            HimChan shut his mouth. He didnt say a word. MinJi then cups HimChan's cheeks, looking worried.

            “Channie? Wae? I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings. I didn’t mean to do it. Please don’t be sad. Please?” she pleaded.

            His hands held on to MinJis hands on his cheeks. Hi eyes were looking sad.. “You were supposed to be mine, not Niall’s. Neol nekkoya. I love you first. I’ve always loved you, MinJi-ah.”

            “What are you babbling about, Channie-ah? Stop talking nonsense. I dont wanna hear it. Just take your cake and go.” She lets go of HimChan, turning around again.

            He pulled MinJi hard, turning her around again. He then places his lips on MinJi's. MinJi tried to endure it, but she couldnt. But HimChan was too strong for her. While she tried to free herself, an unusual feeling suddenly came.

            She now no longer tried to set herself free. She just lets HimChan to kiss her. She loves the feeling, a feeling that never came to her when she was with her boyfriend.

            It continues for a few miunutes, til HimChan pulls himself from her. She opens her eyes, seeing HimChan not in front of her, but DaeHyun,


            “She’s mine now. Why do you have to kiss her? You gave her to me!” DaeHyun was mad. His whole face was as red as tomato. He clenches on his hands, punching HimChan again.

            Immediately, MinJi pulled DaeHyun back, stopping him from hurting HimChan again. “Please stop it. I’m fine. I’m not hurt anywhere, oppa.”

           A slap then came to her face. “You slut. Did you go kissing some random guys anywhere? Why don’t you push him when he’s kissing you?! I’ve been watching silently from the door and none of you even noticed me.”

            Tears stream down her chubby cheeks. She cant endure the pain anymore. That's when DaeHyun notices what he has been doing. He hugs MinJi, begging for forgiveness over and over again.

            The air was tight. It's getting suffocating for HimChan to be there. He got up on his two legs, apologize and walks outside the door. The tip of his lips was bleeding from being punch by DaeHyun. But it didnt even bother him. What bothers him is that MinJi will never be his.

            He stared at the flight ticket to Australia, alongside with a picture of him, DaeHyun and MinJi when they first met at highschool. He smiled a bit. ”Hope that both of you would be happy. Sorry that I messed it all up. Dont fight anymore, now that I'm not gonna be here with you.”

            He dragged his feet to the international boarding door. Before walking through it, he looked back, just for the last time. He sighed. He knew both of his bestfriends wont be cominh. He's just imagining that they are coming.

            “Annyeong, MinJi-ah, “ he whispered.

            “Channie-ah!! KIM HIMCHAN!!” shouted a voice.

            He was just about to turn around when the owner of the voice came jumping on him, making both of them fall on the ground. “Please don’t go Channie-ah. I beg you,” MinJi pleaded.

           HimChan sat, with MinJi on his lap. “MinJi-ah? How did you know I was leaving?” “Your mom called. So what? Just, please don’t go. Don’t leave me.”

            His eyes wondered around. “Where's DaeHyun?” “ We've broke up.”

            “What?! But... Wae? You loved him, don’t you? “I do, but it was until I realize that you’re much more important to me, than him. You were always there for me whenever I need someone to talk to. Whether I’m happy or sad, you’re the one that’s by my side.”

            HimChan shut. He couldnt believe his ears. But, MinJi's tone sounded very, very sincere.  “What did he tell you when you break?”

            “Told her I never loved her. The highest feelings that I ever have for her is just bestfriend. Not more than that. Then she cried. I told her to pick you.” DaeHyun answered, munching on a bag of m&m.

            “Why do you love to make her cry?.” He shouted. He just really wanted to smack DaeHyun on the head, but with MinJi on his lap, he just couldnt get up.

            “Channie-ah, dont be mad.” she said, holding HimCHan;s hand. "I know it's a bit too early, but..."

            Her words died in the middle. DaeHyun laughed hard, looking at MinJi's reaction when HimChan kissed her in public. Even the guard that was there was laughing hard.

            “DOnt need to ask. I’m ready to accept you, anytime, babe.” he said, smiling. “But right now, I really have to go. I’ve got  plane to catch.”

            “Hajima, jebal?.” Her eyes started to water again. HImChan smiled, looking at MinJi. “Just joking. I dont wanna go, actually. Don’t cry ok?” “Napasseo. Chincah napasseo”

            HimChan then leans for another kiss, and this time, MinJi kissed him back. She hugs HimChan tightly, hoping and praying that HimChan will be the one.

THE END.....

mianei it was bad..i was having headache..and i couldnt think of anything..hope you enjoy it.. ^^

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