//Sweet Dreams

The Dreamer ♥

Hello~! My name is Dreamy. Well, last night I've dream about my one special person. He make me feels like.. having a very very special feeling. PUT ANYTHING ABOUT YOU HERE. I'M JUST GIVING YOU AN EXAMPLE.

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B.A.P fanfiction - PART 8 (FINALE)
Heyya peeps..This is part 8..also the last part of this fanfic.. Am crying.. Hahaha.. Kidding.. Hope you enjoy it.. ^^

"Hyung," Zelo called from the door.

HimChan looked at him, smiling. "Wae, JunHong-ah? Is there anything that you want me to buy for you?" His hands took his phone, wallet and car keys and stuff it in his pockets. He even wore his glasses today, just to look different,a nd of course, he has bad vision.

"Hyung. Take good care of my noona. I dont want her to get hurt," Zelo said with a serious look on his face. "I dont care if you're older than me. But if you hurt her, I wont hesitate to disobey you. Arasseo?"

"Nan ara. I wont hurt her, ok?" HimChan walked out the door, shuffling Zelo's hair a bit. That kid. He may seemed soft, but there's a side of him that only HimChan knows. His dark side.

He got in his car and drove to SooHyeon's house as they've promised to hang out together that day. He also bought a bouquet of daisy for her on the way there.

Both SooHyeon and HimChan walks in the gate. Their eyes were shining, seeing so many rides to get on to. "Yah, which ride should we go first?" SooHyeon asks.

She couldnt hide her excitement anymore. She wanted to go in every single ride there is. It has been a while since she went to the amusement park to have fun. She was wearing. It was neither too hot or too cold. So that outfit really fits the weather. 

"How bout we start off with the bumper cars first?" HimChan suggest, holding on to SooHyeon's hand. SooHyeon quietly blushes off, trying not to show it off though.

They both walked slowly to the bumper car section. Not many people are there, so they wont have to wait. HimChan paid the entrance fee and got the ticket for both of them. They got in a blue car and waited for it to start.

As the round started, bot of them started to ram the other people there. It was quite fun, even though HimChan had to cover up his face so that no fans would recognize him and starts to invade their day. SooHyeon had loads of fun, even it was HimChan that had the wheels.

When the ride was over, they went from a ride to another. They got to the Teacups, Top Spin. Pirate Ship, the Hurricane and not to be missed, the HeartStopper a.k.a the Roller Coaster.

"That was fun," SooHyeon said as they got off the roller coaster. she and HimChan had been screaming their lungs out along the fast ride. Not because they are scared, but because they really had fun.

HimChan gave her a smile. "SooHyeon-ah. Should we get something to eat first? I'm really hungry after all f those rides." He rubs his tummy around, showing that he's really hungry.

"Arasseo. Lets have McDonalds today." SooHyeon flashes him a wide smile before pulling him to the McDonalds that was outside of the amusement park. It was the nearest fast food restaurant there, and also SooHyeon's favourite fast food.

SooHyeon then ordered a set of Spicy Chicken McDeluxe while HimChan wants the BigMac. both of them then finds a private spot in the restaurant so that they could eat peacefully without anyone bothering them. HimChan needs to move his mask away to eat. Surely the fangirls would recognize him then.

After meal, they sat for a while, washing down the burgers wih their drinks before heading back to the amusement park. Tey now play the mini games at the stalls.

SooHyeon's eyes captured something. She tugged on to HimChan's sleeves, making him stop. "HimChan-ah. Win me that bunny please."

"Why should I win it for you? You're not my yoja chingu, right?" he said. He was just teasing SooHyeon around. He loves teasing that girl.

"Ah. But I'm your friend right? Please win it for me. I'll you something if you win it for me."

HimChan then smiled widely, messing up with SooHyeon's hair. "Arasseo. Arasseo. I'll win it for you."

He walked up to the stall and payed before the owner gave him a water gun. 

"If you get to shoot that thing. You'll get to choose which ever you want. Ok?"

HimChan gave the old guy a smile before getting into position. He aimed carefully. His eyes stayed at the figure he was supposed to shoot. He has to win it, for SooHyeon. After waiting for a while, he shoots, and it hits the figure headshot.

SooHyeon was amazed at HimChan's accuracy, despite his bad vision. She cheered as the owner gave him the bunny that was later given to SooHyeon.

"Komawo, HimChan-ah."

"No sweat. Now, what do you want to tell me?"

SooHyeon paused for a sec. She looked straight at HimChan, blushing. "I'll tell you later."

"Fine." That left them in an awkward silent. They wondered around the amusement park, looking around. Slowly, HimChan started to grab SooHyeon's hand again.

"Yah. I'm not a kid ok. I could walk myself," SooHyeon complain. She was wactually having butterflies in her stomach. She really, really liked that guy. She just didnt have the courage to make the confession. She was too afraid of being friendzoned.

"I know. I just like to hold your hand," he said, smiling. He then stopped walking, pulling SooHyeon's hand with him. "Lets get into the ferris wheel. Our last ride for today."

Before SooHyeon could answer, he was already pulling her to the ferris wheel. 'If you're not gonna wait for my answer, you dont even have to ask me..' she thought.

HimChan paid for their ticket. SooHyeon then notice that he was whispering something into the boy's ear. When she asked HimChan about it, he didnt answe. He just pulled SooHyeon with him into the carriage.

After the door was closed, the wheel started to move. But it didnt stop like it always does so that another person could get into the next carriage. It continued to move till the top of the wheel. 

"Hey. What did you tell that ticket guy?" SooHyeon asks.

HimChan just smiled. "Tell me what you wanna tell me first. Then I'll tel you what I told that guy." He gave a cheeky smile. "Come on. You've promise."

"Erm." SooHyeon stares into HimChan's eyes.  She hugs the bunny tightly, eyes staring down on the floor. "HimChan-ah. The thing, that I wanna tell you...is..Um.."

HimChan stared back at SooHyeon. "What? Aw come on."

"I like you. Ok? I really, really like you. You were just too blind to see it. Do you now how frustrated I am? God. I've gave you so many signs but you were just too stupid to see i..."

HimChan kissed SooHyeon, stopping her from babbling. SooHyeon accidentally dropped the bunny to the floor. Her eyes widen from the sudden kiss she gets. 

She pushes HimChan. Her face was as red as ever. "Yah! What was that about?"

HimChan rubs the back of his neck, looking back at SooHyeon shyly. He held SooHyeon's hands firmly, staring her back in the eyes. "SooHyeon-ah. I love you. Since the first day I saw you, sending JunHong for his training session."

"You looked so, sweet, pure, beautiful. And you still do till now." Now, his face is red. "So, Choi SooHyeon. Be mine?"

SooHyeon smiled. She hugs HimChan by the neck. "Surely I do. Pabo. I've been waiting for years. How can I say no. Kim HimChan, you are the biggest pabo that I've ever known."

"Yah. You still like me even if I'm stupid right?" He gave SooHyeon a cheeky smile again and leans in for another kiss, a passionate one.

"Saranghae, Choi SooHyeon. Nomu nomu saranghae."

SooHyeon smiled sweetly. "Oh yeah. What did you told that guy?"

He had a naughty face plastered on his face. He jumps on top of SooHyeon, making her lay down on the seat. "I told him to stop the carriage here, so that I could eat you."

SooHyeon blushes even badly. "Yah Kim HimChan!"

That made him laugh. "I'm just kidding. I told him to stop here so that we could watch the sunset together." He got up from SooHyeon, pulling her up too. He hugs her by the shoulder and lays his head on top of SooHyeon's.

They watched the sunset together, and shared a sunset kiss too. It was indeed, a beautiful day for both of them.


sorry I couldnt do a better one..i'm not feelng well, so i couldnt think of anything..mianei..but i hope you enjoy the whole fanfic..

another one will come out soon..will be informed..

if any of you have any fanfic request, or just a short story..email me at babyfacepanda@yahoo.com or tweet me @yaya_rawrr on twitter.. ^^

so..annyeong for now..will inform bout the next fanfic.. ^^

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