//Sweet Dreams

The Dreamer ♥

Hello~! My name is Dreamy. Well, last night I've dream about my one special person. He make me feels like.. having a very very special feeling. PUT ANYTHING ABOUT YOU HERE. I'M JUST GIVING YOU AN EXAMPLE.

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B.A.P fanfiction - PART 2
Assalamualaikum and hey peeps.. This is part 2 of my imagine.. So.. HAVE FUN!

"Wow. This sashimi is just..so..FRESH! I could even taste the sea salt on it." The boys brought SeoYang and SooHyeon out to a Japanese restaurant nearby as promised by HimChan earlier at the studio.

HimChan and YongGuk laughed because SeoYang looks kinda like a kid; excited. Since the first time SeoYang stepped into the studio this afternoon, YongGuk couldn't take his eyes off from her. There's something about this girl that made him liked her.

"That's why I brought you here. The food here is the best! Fresh from the ocean," explained HimChan. "Eat your food properly."

"Aish. Nan ara." SeoYang made a face and chew on her sashimi.

JongUp looked at her. "SeoYang-sshi. Tell us a bit about yourself. Maybe your hobby, things you like, type of guys that you like?"

SeoYang smiled and put down her chopsticks and wipes her mouth. "Well, my hobbies are watching the movies, eating, singing, dancing, swimming and reading. I even wrote my own stories and novel. But I never did show those stories to anyone. Hm. What else. I like guys with sweet smiles, big appetite, knows how to make me smile and laugh, knows how to surprise me, and of course, those who are taller than me."

YongGuk couldnt help but showing his gummy smile as most of the things SeoYang told them are the things that he likes to do, too. And the type of guys that SeoYang stated are almost 90% from himself.

"You liked watching movies too? I love it too!" said HimChan, excitedly. We could be best friends!"

"Seriously? Wah. I didnt expect that you would like those things too."

"Yeah, but YongGuk is the one that likes arts the most, reading; he also wrote his own novel, like you do."

YongGuk smiled shyly. "Hey. I was just afraid that people might not like my stories. that's why no one ever read it."

SeoYang patted YongGuk's back. "I know how you felt. Dont worry. I felt the same too."

HimChan then came between them. "Hey. We're still here you know. SeoYang-ah. Open wide and say aaa."

SeoYang opens wide as she saw HimChan is gonna feed her a sushi. It's been a while since she had fun like this, compared to when he was in the UK.

SooHyeon ate her food silently. She was jealous that SeoYang got all the attention that was all hers before SeoYang was brought. What made her even jealous is that SeoYang has all of HimChan's attention in her hands.

She didnt really care about the others. She just wanted HimChan's attention. She has been liking HimChan since they've been friends a few years ago, and that guy didnt even notices it! but that didnt make hr stop liking him. It made her continue to grab HimChan's attention and let HimChan know about her feelings towards him without she has to spill it out.

But now, with SeoYang being here and has the same hobbies as HimChan, it would be hard for SooHyeon to grab HimChan's attention. And worst, HimChan could even fall for SeoYang.

No! That cant be happening!

YoungJae and DaeHyun munch on their food silently, but fast as they're just too hungry. Despite of the hunger, YoungJae notices the changes in SooHyeon. He could guess what's on that girl's mind. But he didnt want to make it worse, so he just keep it to himself and continue to finish his food.

to be continued.....

p/s: sorry it wasnt as good as the first part..i'll try my best on the 3rd part though.. ^__________^

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