//Sweet Dreams

The Dreamer ♥

Hello~! My name is Dreamy. Well, last night I've dream about my one special person. He make me feels like.. having a very very special feeling. PUT ANYTHING ABOUT YOU HERE. I'M JUST GIVING YOU AN EXAMPLE.

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B.A.P fanfiction II - PART 2
Heyya peeps. Firstly, sorry for the late post of this part.. Been busy lately, 'upgrading' the house.. Kekeke.. Cheongmal mianei.. *bows* Ok. Lets continue with Part 2!

"Yoon MinJee! Daydreaming again? I guess you're not interested in my class," said Mrs Kim, the history teacher. She had her eyes on MinJee in all of her classes.

The girl didnt even cause any problem in the class. Her mind just flew around, wondering, daydreaming. Her mind kept wonder about the guy that guy who had saved her from being raped last month.

"It just couldnt be him. It's just too impossible," she blurted out loud.

Mrs Kim became furious. "Yoon MinJee haeksaeng! Get out of my class now!" she yelled at MinJee. Her eyes were aflame. 

MinJee clicked her tongue. She then quickly got up from her seat and went outside the classroom. She knelled on the ground, holding her hand up high. It's a typical punishment for the students there. It's like a self reflection for the students for their wrong-doings.

She let out a few sighs, signaling she's frustrated in herself. "Aish chincah. Why do I have to think about that thing in her class. That monster. I didnt even bother her class. Dumb bitch."

Just then, another student class was kicked out, but from another class that was just across hers. She knew that guy, everybody in the school does. No. The whole world knows about him.

Choi JunHong a.k.a Zelo from the group B.A.P, short for Best.Absolute.Perfect. That boy, he barely got to school at least once a week because of his busy schedules.

The teachers understands it, as he isnt the only idol that is still schooling. Well, only some of them understands. The others, well this is what happens. Fall asleep and you'll get kicked out of the class. 

"Yah. You fell asleep again didnt you?" MinJee asks Zelo.

They have actually gotten close to each other since the first time Zelo got kicked out of the class. Coincidentally, MinJee got kicked out too. And that's how they got close.

Zelo looked at MinJee, smiling before yawning widely. "You should know the answer by now, MinJee-ah. That sunsaengnim. I really hate her." Zelo complaints and pouts. "She should've understand me. I mean, I have a tight schedule. That's why I always fall asleep during class. I'm lacking in rest, MinJee-ah. I'm too tired."

The girl giggled while looking at him. "I hate my sunsaengnim too. That Mrs Kim. She's always in a bad mood. I think that she fought with her husband everyday and let it out on us; especially  me."

That made Zelo laugh. That cute laugh of his. That's why this kid had lots of noona fans. He's too adorable and irresistable.

"Choi JunHong haeksaeng! Do you want to be kicked out of school for the rest of the day?" his teacher yelled from inside the class.

"Mianei, sunsaengnim. I wont do it again." He then pouts and copies what the teacher said.

MinJee giggled again. Zelo is very cheeky. "JunHong-ah. Wanna grab an early lunch? I'm starving."

Zelo's eyes lit brightly. "Sure. Kaja, MinJee-ah. Nan chincah peguppayo. I havent ate anything today. I got up late."

MinJee smiled and got p, brushing her skirt from the dust on the floor. She place her forefinger on her lips, signaling Zelo to quit talking and sneak out of school with her. Zelo did what she said and both of the snuck out of school after grabbing their bags from the locker.

They went to an Italian restaurant which is a bit far from the school. It is like a safety measure, avoiding from being caught by the teachers since they are still in their school uniform.

to be continued....

like i mentioned earlier in my tweets, i'm gonna use half of the part 2 that I wrote on the paper for it here. Do wait for Part 3 to see what happens next.. Stay tuned!

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