//Sweet Dreams

The Dreamer ♥

Hello~! My name is Dreamy. Well, last night I've dream about my one special person. He make me feels like.. having a very very special feeling. PUT ANYTHING ABOUT YOU HERE. I'M JUST GIVING YOU AN EXAMPLE.

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Template by: Nisrina Khalilah

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B.A.P fanfiction II - PART 1
Assalamualaikum. Annyeong haseyo. ^^ I'm now back with the second long fanfic that I wrote myself. Surely it's different than before. Hope you'll anticipate it more than before. Will do my best. ^^

"Someone. Anyone. Please help me," she pleaded.

The guys were all drunk. The scent of alcohol fills the air around her. She wanted to run away, but she's just too weak to fight all of those drunkards. Though they are drunk, they are still men; and a man's strength is way too much for a teenage girl like her to fight.

One of the got closer to her, holding up her wrist over her head. He was breathing his alcohol-scent breath on her face. "You smell very nice. I could just eat you up just like this," he said.

Tears started to leave her eyes. She was too afraid that her whole body was trembling bad. Sweat falls eventhough the wind blows quite hard at that time. Her eyes were completely shut, tightly.

"Jebal. Anyone. Please help me!" she screamed in her head.

"Yah! Get away from her!" shouted a man.

Just then, one by one of the drunk guys fall down with just one hit each. They then fled away as fast as they can, leaving the girls alone.

The girl was looking towards the ground, with her body still shivering. Her eyes were full of fears, and tears too.

"Agashi, neon kenchana?" the guy asks. His voice, it sounded very familiar to her ears. She used to hear it, almost all of the time. But, it couldnt be that person. It just couldnt be. Its impossible!

A few seconds later, she collapsed in the savior's arms. Her eyes and ears couldnt sense anything anymore. All that she sees now is pitch darkness...

to be continued.....

so... How was it?? Kekeke.. The names will be revealed on the second part.. Please anticipate it.. ^^

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