//Sweet Dreams

The Dreamer ♥

Hello~! My name is Dreamy. Well, last night I've dream about my one special person. He make me feels like.. having a very very special feeling. PUT ANYTHING ABOUT YOU HERE. I'M JUST GIVING YOU AN EXAMPLE.

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B.A.P fanfiction II - PART 3
Annyeong haseyo.. ^^ Firstly, mianei coz it took a while to post this part. Been busy lately, and I barely got to log in my blog. *bows* I hope this is satisfying. Really hoping it.. ^^

They wander around the city, walks into shops. They tried on some clothes, modelling it in front of each other, making goofy poses and taking selcas. They also went in to the candy shop, where they bought various kinds of candies, gummy sweets an jawbreakers. 

"JunHong-ah. Do you like playing games?" MinJee asks, popping a blue gummy bear into her mouth.

"Sure. I do. I'm a guy right? Of course I love games Wae?"

"Wanna go to the arcade? I know a friend's. Not too far from here."

"Gladly. Kaja, MinJee-ah. Lead the way!" Zelo went excited.

It's been a while since he hasnt been to the arcade for quite a while. It wasnt a big problem for both of them to go to the arcade as they just use the back alley to get there.

The owner of the arcade is a son of MinJee appa's great friend. They've known each other since MinJee was a kid. So they are really close to each other. Sneaking MinJee into the arcade wasnt such a big problem for him, even when wearing school uniform. He also had a secret room built to hide MinJee, in case anything happens.

When MinJee came in with Zelo, his face changes a bit He doesnt really like MinJee bringing in companies with her. It'll be hard for him to hide them, too. And seeing the gigantic Zelo behind MinJee is making him dislike companies.

Zelo quickly heads to the back of the arcade where MinJee told him where the dance machine was. Boy, that kid really likes to dance, a lot. But as he dance, his eyes were on MinJee as the girl was shooting some hoops on the basketball machine.

Hidden talent, Zelo thought. He maybe absent from school most of the time, but he still knows the school athletes. And he knows that MinJee wasnt in the athlete list. She could've be an athlete if she wasnt a timid person.

As he was busy looking at MinJee, his phone ringtone suddenly burst out loud, making both MinJee and the arcade owner looked at him. He took a glance at the caller ID and shuddered. "MinJee-ah. It's manager hyung. Eottokke? I forgot that school hours are over and he's waiting for me in front of the school."

The ringtone then ends, making Zelo exhale lightly. Just as he was about to say something, the ringtone was playing again. But this time, YongGuk's name was on it, not he manager.

MinJee eventually got annoyed as the phone keeps ringing non-stop. She took the phone off from Zelo's hand and answers it.

"Yah! Where are you? Hyung has been looking everywhere for you. Your sunsaengnim called, telling hyung that you skipped school. Neon eoddie? Tell me. Hyung will pick you up."

"Mianei, YongGuk oppa. I'm taking JunHong-ie out for some fun. I'll send him back to the dorm when we're done. Ok?"

"Dugunnie? Where's JunHong? Who are you? Did you kidnap him? Where are you. Marebwa."

"Mianei. But I cant tell you where we are now. Woa. Kidnap is such a strong word to use. I didnt kidnap him. I was just taking him to have some fun. Look. I promise I'll take him back when we're done in one piece, and alive of course. I'll take good care of JunHong. So, annyeong~~"

And with a click, MinJee ended the call. She then pulls out the battery and handed it to Zelo. "Just relax, and enjoy yourself. Arasseo? I know you've been through stress for the past few months. So, today is the day where no one can disturb you."

"But, what if we're caught?"

"I'll handle it. Just leave everything to me."

"So, how was it, JunHong-ah?" MinJee asks as they walk out of Lotte World.

Both of them had been hiding from everyone, mainly BABYs. The even bought masks and caps to disguise, especially Zelo, since he's on the run from TS management.

Zelo gave MinJee a smile. "It was fun. Komawo. I'm relieved. You were right.  I really should run away and enjoy myself sometimes."

That boy. He's so innocent. "Yeah. You really should.

Just then, a guy came close to them from behind He then smacks both Zelo's and MinJee's head, hard. The sound from the smacking attracted people nearby, but they then just move on.

"Yah! Who did that?!" MinJee said, turning around. To her surprise, it was..... B.A.N.G.Y.O.N.G.G.U.K.

"Hyung," Zelo muttered. His voice was practically shaking.

YongGuk stared at both of them. His face, well, he is pissed off. "You troublemakers. Was it fun to skip school to snoop around? You dont think people couldnt recognize you in the uniform?"

"Mianei hyung," Zelo pleaded. "It was my fault. I wont do it again."

"Yah. I know you're two years older than us, but it doesnt give you the right to hit us like that," MinJee said. She rubbed her head slowly as it still felt a bit stingy. "And yeah. It is FUN to SKIP school."

"You, you dont have the right to skip school, and bring JunHong with you!" YongGuk is really, really mad. He was never mad at anything. He never raised his voice. But this time, it's off limit. "He had skipped enough. If his grade is bad, he cant enter the art university. And skipping school wont help him to get good grades, god dammit!"

"Aish, this ahjussi. Arasseo. Arasseo. I could teach him." MinJee looked confident as she said that. "I can be his personal tutor if you want to."

YongGuk laughs. "You? The on who skips school wants to teach JunHong? Are you even qualified? Did you even pass your exams?"

Zelo then barges in. "Hyung, she's one of the Top 10 students in school. She's practically brilliant." He then smiles at MinJee again. "She's really, really smart. Even smarter than YoungJae hyung. Please let her be my tutor, hyung. Please."

YongGuk than gives Zelo a sharp glance, making the giant baby shut his mouth. He then change his glance towards MinJee that's still standing, looking rather confident than before. "What's the catch?"

"Not much. Just let me take JunHong out for some fun sometimes. And I get access to your company and your dorm to tutor JunHong everyday. The fee is free of charge."

"Fine. I'll talk to manager hyung about that. As long as you teach JunHong so he could get good grades."

Zelo smiled widely and hugs his hyung tight. "Komawo hyung. Chincah komawo."

to be continued.....

p/s: once again, i'm really sorry for not updating for quite a long time. i'm busy settling things during my semester break that i have no time to log in my blog. i'll do my best to post part 4 soon.. ^^

B.A.P fanfiction II - PART 2
Heyya peeps. Firstly, sorry for the late post of this part.. Been busy lately, 'upgrading' the house.. Kekeke.. Cheongmal mianei.. *bows* Ok. Lets continue with Part 2!

"Yoon MinJee! Daydreaming again? I guess you're not interested in my class," said Mrs Kim, the history teacher. She had her eyes on MinJee in all of her classes.

The girl didnt even cause any problem in the class. Her mind just flew around, wondering, daydreaming. Her mind kept wonder about the guy that guy who had saved her from being raped last month.

"It just couldnt be him. It's just too impossible," she blurted out loud.

Mrs Kim became furious. "Yoon MinJee haeksaeng! Get out of my class now!" she yelled at MinJee. Her eyes were aflame. 

MinJee clicked her tongue. She then quickly got up from her seat and went outside the classroom. She knelled on the ground, holding her hand up high. It's a typical punishment for the students there. It's like a self reflection for the students for their wrong-doings.

She let out a few sighs, signaling she's frustrated in herself. "Aish chincah. Why do I have to think about that thing in her class. That monster. I didnt even bother her class. Dumb bitch."

Just then, another student class was kicked out, but from another class that was just across hers. She knew that guy, everybody in the school does. No. The whole world knows about him.

Choi JunHong a.k.a Zelo from the group B.A.P, short for Best.Absolute.Perfect. That boy, he barely got to school at least once a week because of his busy schedules.

The teachers understands it, as he isnt the only idol that is still schooling. Well, only some of them understands. The others, well this is what happens. Fall asleep and you'll get kicked out of the class. 

"Yah. You fell asleep again didnt you?" MinJee asks Zelo.

They have actually gotten close to each other since the first time Zelo got kicked out of the class. Coincidentally, MinJee got kicked out too. And that's how they got close.

Zelo looked at MinJee, smiling before yawning widely. "You should know the answer by now, MinJee-ah. That sunsaengnim. I really hate her." Zelo complaints and pouts. "She should've understand me. I mean, I have a tight schedule. That's why I always fall asleep during class. I'm lacking in rest, MinJee-ah. I'm too tired."

The girl giggled while looking at him. "I hate my sunsaengnim too. That Mrs Kim. She's always in a bad mood. I think that she fought with her husband everyday and let it out on us; especially  me."

That made Zelo laugh. That cute laugh of his. That's why this kid had lots of noona fans. He's too adorable and irresistable.

"Choi JunHong haeksaeng! Do you want to be kicked out of school for the rest of the day?" his teacher yelled from inside the class.

"Mianei, sunsaengnim. I wont do it again." He then pouts and copies what the teacher said.

MinJee giggled again. Zelo is very cheeky. "JunHong-ah. Wanna grab an early lunch? I'm starving."

Zelo's eyes lit brightly. "Sure. Kaja, MinJee-ah. Nan chincah peguppayo. I havent ate anything today. I got up late."

MinJee smiled and got p, brushing her skirt from the dust on the floor. She place her forefinger on her lips, signaling Zelo to quit talking and sneak out of school with her. Zelo did what she said and both of the snuck out of school after grabbing their bags from the locker.

They went to an Italian restaurant which is a bit far from the school. It is like a safety measure, avoiding from being caught by the teachers since they are still in their school uniform.

to be continued....

like i mentioned earlier in my tweets, i'm gonna use half of the part 2 that I wrote on the paper for it here. Do wait for Part 3 to see what happens next.. Stay tuned!

B.A.P fanfiction II - PART 1
Assalamualaikum. Annyeong haseyo. ^^ I'm now back with the second long fanfic that I wrote myself. Surely it's different than before. Hope you'll anticipate it more than before. Will do my best. ^^

"Someone. Anyone. Please help me," she pleaded.

The guys were all drunk. The scent of alcohol fills the air around her. She wanted to run away, but she's just too weak to fight all of those drunkards. Though they are drunk, they are still men; and a man's strength is way too much for a teenage girl like her to fight.

One of the got closer to her, holding up her wrist over her head. He was breathing his alcohol-scent breath on her face. "You smell very nice. I could just eat you up just like this," he said.

Tears started to leave her eyes. She was too afraid that her whole body was trembling bad. Sweat falls eventhough the wind blows quite hard at that time. Her eyes were completely shut, tightly.

"Jebal. Anyone. Please help me!" she screamed in her head.

"Yah! Get away from her!" shouted a man.

Just then, one by one of the drunk guys fall down with just one hit each. They then fled away as fast as they can, leaving the girls alone.

The girl was looking towards the ground, with her body still shivering. Her eyes were full of fears, and tears too.

"Agashi, neon kenchana?" the guy asks. His voice, it sounded very familiar to her ears. She used to hear it, almost all of the time. But, it couldnt be that person. It just couldnt be. Its impossible!

A few seconds later, she collapsed in the savior's arms. Her eyes and ears couldnt sense anything anymore. All that she sees now is pitch darkness...

to be continued.....

so... How was it?? Kekeke.. The names will be revealed on the second part.. Please anticipate it.. ^^

Assalamualaikum and a very, very good day. Kekeke.. As we all know, on April 19, it's HimChan's birthday. Saengil chukahae, oppa! Kekeke. Ok. This fanfic is a gift for him, though I'm sure he wont be reading it (poor me). Hahaha.. But what the heck. I'll just write it since it's a very special day. Once again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HIMCHAN OPPA!

            “Channie, open the door.”
            “MinJi? What happen? Why are you crying?” HimChan then tries to calm MinJi down by hugging her, rubbing her back, softly. “DaeHyun did something wrong during your date?”

            MinJi's face was full of dried tears now. Her cheeks were red. ”Wen went for a date, as usual. And he did the same thing, AGAIN!” “What? He picked cheesecake over you?”

           HimChan laugh hard when MinJi nodded. “Pabo MinJi. Yiou know DaeHyun. His mind is full of the visio n of food. And didnt you say that you'll accept him for whatever he is. No matter how weird he will be? Well, you just have to endure it.”

            “Talking to you is just the same if I talk to him. I'm wasting my time here” She lets go of HimChan. “Thanks for listening anyways. I'm going home now.”

           She then walks away, stomping on the ground. She was furious. Although HimChan called her to come back, she keeps ignoring it.

           Out of nowhere, DaeHyun came out, with a cake box in his hand. Surely there's a slice of cheescake in it. “MinJi-ah? What are you doing here? Are you cheating on me?”

            “What? Cheating on you?” Her hands were fast enough to slap DaeHyun. “I've never thought of cheating. I never cheat in my relationships. You're the one that's cheating on me, WITH FOOD!”

            Her tears rushes out of her cheeks, fast. “Oppa biwo!” As fast as she could, she runs away from HimChan's house. She couldnt bear to look at DaeHyuns face again. ‘I’ve never thought to cheat you. Never.

            “MinJi-ah... Chagiya?” He held on his cheeks. It was burning hot. 

            “Pabo. You were always saying things like that to her. Treating her bad. That's why she always came to see me.” scold HimChan.

            DaeHyun stares at his friend who was already standing right in front of him. “What is she doing here? You ask her to cheat on me then?”

            “Aish. Pabo Dae.” He gives DaeHyun ddakbam on the forehead, a hard one. “You never know how she feels right? Pabo. You never even bother to listen to her explanation why she came here.” Both of  them then walk inside for HimChan to give some lectures on DaeHyun.

            MinJi stares at her laptop, DaeHyun as her wallpaper. That pabo guy. Always making assumptions before she gets the chance to explain anything. Why did she even like him?

            “You jerk.” She slams her laptop. The furious feel is still playing in her.

            She then felt like someone was watching her. She lifts up her head, looking at DaeHyun who was staring down at her.

            “Mwoya? What do you want?” She looked down. Her heart was already broken. Seeing DaeHyun standing in front of her right now breaks her even more. "Just leave. I'm not in the mood to talk to anyone, mostly you."

            DaeHyun held MinJi's hands. “Chagiya. Naneun mianei. Ok? I didnt know what came to me last night. You running away on our date, makes me making bad assumptions bout you. And seeing you walking away from HimChan's house makes me think of something else. I thought that you were cheating.”

            “Well you got it wrong, moron,” MinJi scolded. She then pulls her hand from DaeHyun's grasp. She's still too mad with that guy.

            “Mianei? I'm still not used to this kind of situation. You're my first one. Please forgive me?” He tried to make a puppy face.. “I brought cake with me too. It’s your favourite; pecan butterscotch.”

            “Fine, but I want it whole.”She smiled cheekily. 

             DaeHyun smiled widely. “Anything for my precious baby.”

            Slowly, DaeHyun leans closer, kissing Mini for a few seconds. MinJi's cheeks were burning red. “Yah. If the lecturer sees that, we're cooked ok.”

            While both of the lovebirds were busy laughing, some was being down. He was staring at them from afar. And that guy, was HimCHan.

           It kills him to see DaeHyun with MinJi, as he loved her first. But what can he do. MinJi is his bestfriend, and so did DaeHyun. And all that matters is seeing both of them happy together.

            “I hope he'll like it. Man its hard to make this.” MinJi whining, alone in the kitchen. Her hands works slowly, squeezing the icing tube. She was trying her best to draw DaeHyun's figure on the cake.

            HimChan came sneaking behind MinJi, trying to see what she's doing. His hands then snakes around MinJi's waist, hugging her tightly. “Can I taste it?” he asks, smiling.

            MinJi spuns around. “Channie-ah. I thought it was him. Aish. This is for him. You have your own. It's in the fridge. And stop hugging me like this. DaeHyun is gonna accuse me again.”

            HimChan shut his mouth. He didnt say a word. MinJi then cups HimChan's cheeks, looking worried.

            “Channie? Wae? I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings. I didn’t mean to do it. Please don’t be sad. Please?” she pleaded.

            His hands held on to MinJis hands on his cheeks. Hi eyes were looking sad.. “You were supposed to be mine, not Niall’s. Neol nekkoya. I love you first. I’ve always loved you, MinJi-ah.”

            “What are you babbling about, Channie-ah? Stop talking nonsense. I dont wanna hear it. Just take your cake and go.” She lets go of HimChan, turning around again.

            He pulled MinJi hard, turning her around again. He then places his lips on MinJi's. MinJi tried to endure it, but she couldnt. But HimChan was too strong for her. While she tried to free herself, an unusual feeling suddenly came.

            She now no longer tried to set herself free. She just lets HimChan to kiss her. She loves the feeling, a feeling that never came to her when she was with her boyfriend.

            It continues for a few miunutes, til HimChan pulls himself from her. She opens her eyes, seeing HimChan not in front of her, but DaeHyun,


            “She’s mine now. Why do you have to kiss her? You gave her to me!” DaeHyun was mad. His whole face was as red as tomato. He clenches on his hands, punching HimChan again.

            Immediately, MinJi pulled DaeHyun back, stopping him from hurting HimChan again. “Please stop it. I’m fine. I’m not hurt anywhere, oppa.”

           A slap then came to her face. “You slut. Did you go kissing some random guys anywhere? Why don’t you push him when he’s kissing you?! I’ve been watching silently from the door and none of you even noticed me.”

            Tears stream down her chubby cheeks. She cant endure the pain anymore. That's when DaeHyun notices what he has been doing. He hugs MinJi, begging for forgiveness over and over again.

            The air was tight. It's getting suffocating for HimChan to be there. He got up on his two legs, apologize and walks outside the door. The tip of his lips was bleeding from being punch by DaeHyun. But it didnt even bother him. What bothers him is that MinJi will never be his.

            He stared at the flight ticket to Australia, alongside with a picture of him, DaeHyun and MinJi when they first met at highschool. He smiled a bit. ”Hope that both of you would be happy. Sorry that I messed it all up. Dont fight anymore, now that I'm not gonna be here with you.”

            He dragged his feet to the international boarding door. Before walking through it, he looked back, just for the last time. He sighed. He knew both of his bestfriends wont be cominh. He's just imagining that they are coming.

            “Annyeong, MinJi-ah, “ he whispered.

            “Channie-ah!! KIM HIMCHAN!!” shouted a voice.

            He was just about to turn around when the owner of the voice came jumping on him, making both of them fall on the ground. “Please don’t go Channie-ah. I beg you,” MinJi pleaded.

           HimChan sat, with MinJi on his lap. “MinJi-ah? How did you know I was leaving?” “Your mom called. So what? Just, please don’t go. Don’t leave me.”

            His eyes wondered around. “Where's DaeHyun?” “ We've broke up.”

            “What?! But... Wae? You loved him, don’t you? “I do, but it was until I realize that you’re much more important to me, than him. You were always there for me whenever I need someone to talk to. Whether I’m happy or sad, you’re the one that’s by my side.”

            HimChan shut. He couldnt believe his ears. But, MinJi's tone sounded very, very sincere.  “What did he tell you when you break?”

            “Told her I never loved her. The highest feelings that I ever have for her is just bestfriend. Not more than that. Then she cried. I told her to pick you.” DaeHyun answered, munching on a bag of m&m.

            “Why do you love to make her cry?.” He shouted. He just really wanted to smack DaeHyun on the head, but with MinJi on his lap, he just couldnt get up.

            “Channie-ah, dont be mad.” she said, holding HimCHan;s hand. "I know it's a bit too early, but..."

            Her words died in the middle. DaeHyun laughed hard, looking at MinJi's reaction when HimChan kissed her in public. Even the guard that was there was laughing hard.

            “DOnt need to ask. I’m ready to accept you, anytime, babe.” he said, smiling. “But right now, I really have to go. I’ve got  plane to catch.”

            “Hajima, jebal?.” Her eyes started to water again. HImChan smiled, looking at MinJi. “Just joking. I dont wanna go, actually. Don’t cry ok?” “Napasseo. Chincah napasseo”

            HimChan then leans for another kiss, and this time, MinJi kissed him back. She hugs HimChan tightly, hoping and praying that HimChan will be the one.

THE END.....

mianei it was bad..i was having headache..and i couldnt think of anything..hope you enjoy it.. ^^

Assalamualaikum and a very, very good morning. First of all, this is a special fanfic for a friend. I knew her from twitter and all I know abut her is that she's still schooling, a BABY and really, really loves Kim HimChan.. Kekekekekeke.. And since today is her birthday, this is a very special present for her. Never wrote a birthday present for anyone before..

So, Hajar-ah.. Once again, SAENGIL CHUKAHAE!!!

                “I would have a decaf mocha please.”

            A girl, with a high ponytail tied behind to the back of her head nodded and head to the back to make the coffee. She has been working there for a few months now as a part-timer as she’s still schooling. Her name tag had the name KIM SEONMI written on it.

            Done working on the mocha, she handed it to the customer smiling and bowing, saying ‘Please come again’ as usual. Sure is tiring working after 8 hours of school, but it’s worthed. At least she’ll be having her monthly pay.

            Then, the bell chimes, signalling another customer just walked in the café. Immediately, she stands up straight behind the counter. She then force herself to smile despite the tiredness that’s killing her.

            “Welcome. What can I get for you, sir?” she asks politely.

            There are half a dozen of customer that surrounded the counter, making her sigh slowly. ‘This will be hectic for me,’ she thought.

            “Yes.” The first one said, smiling. He pull down his shades a bit and smiled. “Can I get miss Kim SeonMi please? I have been missing her since I was very busy.” He then smiled, showing his bunny teeth.

            SeonMi’s eyes widen. “Uppie? Is that you?” she said, jumping out of the counter. She then hugs her best friend tightly. “Man, I’ve been missing you badly.”

            JongUp hugs SeonMi back and patted her on the back. “It has been a while. So, how are you doing now? Heard that you got into an arts school eh?”

            “Yeah.” She took a glance at JongUp and smirks. “Wow, you got pretty taller than me. The last time I saw you, you were shorter than me, mr shortie pants.”

            “Yah. I’m a man now, ok.” JongUp merong. “Oh yeah. I also brought a few friends with me.”

            SeonMi smiled and bows at all five of them. “So, don’t you wanna introduce them?”

            “Sorry. My bad.” JongUp gave SeonMi a silly smile for his silly mistake. “This is YongGuk. He has a very, very raspy voice. YoungJae, our brain. If you have any problems in your studies, just ask him. DaeHyun, sir-eats-talks-a-lot. Give him cheesecake and he’ll go crazy for it. JunHong, our giraffe. He’s your age by the way. And last but not least, king of aegyo, HimChan.”

            SeonMi’s eyes lit as she look at HimChan. Those sharp eyes, perfect curved lips, flawless skin. Her heart flutters the longer she stares at that guy.

            “Yah. I know they’re good looking but stop staring. And close your mouth. You’re gonna drool. And I don’t have anything to hold it.” JongUp teases, laughing.

            The girl blushes. “You and your teases.” She took another glance at HimChan, smiling shyly. “I think you guys better take a seat now. I’ll bring the coffee ok?”

            “I’ll have Americano please. Iced Americano.” HimChan gave SeonMi a smile. He really does love Americano. No doubt about it.

            “One iced Americano coming up. Go, go. Pick a table.”

            Although the café didn’t attract many customers like any other cafes, still, they must’ve wanted somewhere a bit private to talk. Especially when she get to meet again with her best friend from kindergarden. He must have lots of stories to tell her, and so did she.

            Her hands work fast enough to make 7 types of coffee in less than 10 minutes.  She place all of the mugs on the tray and bring all of it to the table where the 6 of the boys were waiting while talking to each other.

            As she place the tray on the table, the one called HimChan immediately grab his iced Americano and drank it quietly. DaeHyun grab mocha while the others just grab anything that was left, leaving another mug of Americano on the tray.

            “So, where are you now, Uppie-ah? Never heard anything from you since your family moved away,” SeonMi asks, sipping on the Americano. She just love the scent of the coffees. That’s why she didn’t eve mind working till midnight at the café. The scent of coffee makes her addicted, makes her high without her knowing it.

            JongUp smiled sweetly at SeonMi. “Well, we were all trainees at a company now. We’ll be debuting in a few months.”

            “Chincah? I cant wait. My Uppie us going to be an artist!”

            Just then, YongGuk smacks the back of JongUp’s head, not too hard but enough to make a bit hitting sound. “Yah. You shouldn’t told her that. It wont be a surprise then.”

            “Aigoo this kid. Told you to shut it at the dorm,” YoungJae added. His pursed lips then crashes on the mug, sipping some more coffee.

            The girl giggled. “Kenchana. I’ll keep it a secret ok? I’m not a blabber anyway. I’ve been keeping lots of Uppie’s secrets since we were a kid.” She then gave JongUp a wink.

            “What kind of secret? You have to tell me those,” DaeHyun said, looking cheekily. He raises his eyebrows at JongUp, trying to scare that blur kid.

            “Like I said. I’m not  blabber ok.”

            “Hey. Kidding ok.” DaeHyun flashes SeonMi another smile.

            Zelo moves a bit forward. “So, noona. Which arts school did you get into?”

            “Sungdae middle school. Wae?”

            “Sungdae?” Zelo’s eyes lits. “I went there too. How can I not see you there?” The by went excited.

            SeonMi smiled. “I haven’t seen you too.”

            “Yah. You’re busy with your training. That’s why you didn’t see her there you barely go to school, JunHong-ah,” JongUp said, messing with Zelo’s blonde hair. “You have a mind of an old person. Cant remember anything.”

            “Whatever. Hyung is so mean.” The boy pouted and sips on his coffee.

            Those guys. Although they just met each other today, its like they have already met before this. They could joke, play around as if they knew each other just like the back of their hands.

            But as they joked and goofing around, SeonMi couldn’t take her eyes of the Americano-monster, HimChan. That guy, he looks so cute and handsome, so angelic too. Huh. She didn’t even know that a guy like that existed.

            “SeonMi-ah~~” HimChan called as he entered the café.

            He looked everywhere for SeonMi, but the girl was nowhere to be seen. He looked at the counter where she usually was, but she wasn’t there too. He caught another waitress by the arm.

            “Chogiyo, is Kim SeonMi in today?” he asks.

            The waitress looked at him, puzzled for a while. “She’s on her leave today. Are you the one she called HimChan?”

            “Nae. I’m HimChan. Wae?”

            She then went to the back of the café for a while then came out again, bringing a coffee for him. “She asks me to give this to you since she wont be around today.”

            himChan’s eyes sparkled when he saw the Americano. “Komawo. I’ll be going now.” He then smiles before going out of the café while sipping on the coffee. “This is just so good.”

            He walked around the city of Seoul, wondering around without having in mind where to actually go. Looking at people walking around with their couple or families made him smile. He loves it.

            “Ouf. Mianei,” he said as he bumped into someone.

            “Kenchana,” the girl replied, brushing her school uniform. She looked up, looking straight at HimChan’s face. “Omo. Channie oppa!”

            It was SeonMi that he bumped to. He smiled widely when he looked at the girl’s face. “SeonMi-ah. Never thought I could bump into you today, since you were on your break.”

            “How did you know I was on my break?” She took a glance on the cup. “Oh. You went there.” She smiled sweetly, showing her dimples that even JongUp never seen before. She looks so cute with it.

            HimChan felt his heart thumping hard on his chest. ‘Mwoya. What is this? This feels weird.’ He thought.

            His sight falls down only at SeonMi’s face. That kid. Why does his heart beats wild when looking at her? “SeonMi-ah. You busy today?”

            “Em? Ahnio. I’m just going to the bookstore, to buy some novels. Wae? Oppa wanna join me?” She stills smiles brightly, but her dimples are now hiding. “I don’t mind if you wanna come. At least I’ll have a company.”

            “Sure. Why not.” He quickly finishes his coffee and made their way to the bookstore SeonMi was previously heading to. It wasn’t a long trip, so it wasn’t tiring at all.

            SeonMi got all hyper as she took a step in the book store. That girl, she’s really into books. She loves the smell of the new books that hasn’t been unwrapped, she loves the sight of the colourful books, laying on the book rack, waiting to be read. She just cant hold herself. It’s like she took an ecstasy that time.

            HimChan couldn’t help himself from stop laughing. That girl is just hilarious. She’s too funny, and adorable too. He just followed SeonMi while she made her way around the library, reading and smiling like a kid getting a candy.

            “SeonMi-ah. I’m gonna go to the toilet for a sec. wait for me here, arasseo?” HimChan said. They have been in there for a couple of hours and now he couldn’t help himself to keep hold of himself from peeing.

            “Arasseo, oppa. The toilet is over there by the way.” She pointed the direction of where the toilet was located while flashing a smile.

            HimChan then quickly made his way to the restroom, pouring out what he has been holding. It was a relief. He then quickly put his zipper up, washes his hands and make his way back to SeonMi, which is not where he left her.

            “Aish this kid. Told her to stay here.”

            He then quickly look for her everywhere. Since the bookstore is kinda huge, its very hard for him to look for her.

            Then, he saw her, standing by a rack, trying to reach for a book on the high shelf. Quickly, he made his way to SeonMi.

            Just then, he saw a man, trying to sneak his hands under SeonMi’s uniform (which is her skirt). ‘Oh no you don’t.” his feet ran quickly before the man’s hand could even sneak a bit into the skirt.

            “Back off, pervert. Do it once again and I’ll break your arm. Arasseo?” he said, looking all serious while holding onto the man’s hand. His eyes were as sharp as ever. And his face, boy it was red like, really red.

            SeonMi turns around, looking at who HimChan was talking to. “Oppa. Wae? Is there something wrong?”

            He then let go off the man’s hand and turns to SeonMi. He grasp SeonMi’s shoulder. “You, you better be careful next time. Ok? There are lots of perverts in this world and you could be a victim of them. Please, be careful, and extra careful when you’re wearing a skirt like now.”

            SeonMi gulped. HimChan’s face right now, it’s calming although he’s nagging in her ears right now. “Mianei, oppa. I was just too excited. I’ll be careful next time.”

            “Good then.” He then gave her a bright smile. “Got anything you like?”

            “Yup. I sure do.” She then shows HimChan the basket she has been carrying all around. “I just cant choose. Their synopsis are awesome.”

            The guy laughed. “Arasseo. Lets go pay and have coffee after this. It’s freezing cold out there.”

            “Nae oppa.”

            SeonMi stares at her newly bought novel. She was just so into it, not even looking up at HimChan who was staring at her. Her expression changes as the mood in the novel also changes. Sometimes she smiled, frowned, and even bites her nails because it was in suspense mode.

            While staring at her, HimChan scanned Seonmi’s face. Those big brown eyes staring deeply into the book, the small and cute nose, sometimes wriggling, those pursed red lips, seducing him without SeonMi even notices it. He was mesmerized, stunned, just like when you stare into Medusa’s eyes.

            SeonMi’s hand snaked around the table, looking for the handle of the cup. She accidentally dipped her hand into the hot coffee, making her shrieked cutely before pulling her finger out. She then attempts to blow it, trying to cool it off.

            HimChan got off from his chair and went to SeonMi. “Let me have a look,” he said, holding on to SeonMi’s hand. He pulled the hand towards him and looks at the finger.

“Aish. You should’ve been more careful.” He then slowly blows on to the finger with his cold breath and caress it with his thumb. “Better?”

SeonMi nodded slowly while blushing. This oppa couldn’t stop making her heart beat fast, like it almost burst out of her chest. “Komawo.” She smiles again, but this time, a lot sweeter and cute.

“Hey. Don’t smile like that. Don’t make it hard for me, SeonMi-ah,” he said, looking serious.

“Ah wae? I didn’t do anything wrong. I’m just smiling. What’s wrong with that? Cant I just smile? Then what can I do? A stone face?’ She pouts, sulking.

HimChan couldn’t held it any longer. One of his hands went to SeonMi’s chin, holding it with care. “You’re really testing me, SeonMi-ah. And I hate you for it.”

Without any warning, his lips went crashing on SeonMi’s. although it’s a sudden kiss, HimChan handled it carefully and softly. His other hand that was free snaked around SeonMi’s slim waist, pulling her close.

SeonMi’s eyes were wide open, shocked from what HimChan is doing now. But after a few seconds, she just go with the flow. Her jaws moving through the rhythm with HimChan’s.

They then stopped after a few minutes, gasping for air. HimChan stares right into SeonMi’s eyes. His cheeks were filled with the colour pink as he blushes wildly. “SeonMi-ah. There’s something I wanna talk to you about.”

SeonMi then blushes just like HimChan did, only worse. She place her finger on HinChan’s cute lips. “Shut it oppa. I wanna talk first.”

“Ok then. Go on,” he mumbled, smiling.

“Ok.” SeonMi smiles shyly. “Oppa, from the first time Uppie introduces you at the café I worked, I’ve already like you. Like, really really like you. You were too adorable. I… I…”

“I like you too, SenonMi-ah. I don’t know why, but my heart is thumping hard, everytime I saw you. The days when I went to the café to grab my Americano, it’s just an excuse to look at you, every single day. You’re my new addiction, SeonMi-ah.”

“You’re lying. You’re addicted to that Americano. Zelo told me everything at school, about your addiction.” SeonMi pouts again.

“Arasseo. Firstly, I only came for the coffee. But later then, I’m addicted to you. That’s the truth ok. Am not lying.”

He pecked SeonMi by the lips again and smile. “So, SeonMi-ah. Be mine?”

“Heck yeah I’ll be yours.” She then hugs HimChan tightly and smiled. “Saranghae oppa. Please take care of me.”

“I will. I promise ok?”


So..Hajar-ah.. Unni hoped that u liked it ok.. Once again.. Saengil chukahae! May all your wishes come true.. And may you dreamt of HimChan tonight ok? ^^

B.A.P fanfiction - PART 8 (FINALE)
Heyya peeps..This is part 8..also the last part of this fanfic.. Am crying.. Hahaha.. Kidding.. Hope you enjoy it.. ^^

"Hyung," Zelo called from the door.

HimChan looked at him, smiling. "Wae, JunHong-ah? Is there anything that you want me to buy for you?" His hands took his phone, wallet and car keys and stuff it in his pockets. He even wore his glasses today, just to look different,a nd of course, he has bad vision.

"Hyung. Take good care of my noona. I dont want her to get hurt," Zelo said with a serious look on his face. "I dont care if you're older than me. But if you hurt her, I wont hesitate to disobey you. Arasseo?"

"Nan ara. I wont hurt her, ok?" HimChan walked out the door, shuffling Zelo's hair a bit. That kid. He may seemed soft, but there's a side of him that only HimChan knows. His dark side.

He got in his car and drove to SooHyeon's house as they've promised to hang out together that day. He also bought a bouquet of daisy for her on the way there.

Both SooHyeon and HimChan walks in the gate. Their eyes were shining, seeing so many rides to get on to. "Yah, which ride should we go first?" SooHyeon asks.

She couldnt hide her excitement anymore. She wanted to go in every single ride there is. It has been a while since she went to the amusement park to have fun. She was wearing. It was neither too hot or too cold. So that outfit really fits the weather. 

"How bout we start off with the bumper cars first?" HimChan suggest, holding on to SooHyeon's hand. SooHyeon quietly blushes off, trying not to show it off though.

They both walked slowly to the bumper car section. Not many people are there, so they wont have to wait. HimChan paid the entrance fee and got the ticket for both of them. They got in a blue car and waited for it to start.

As the round started, bot of them started to ram the other people there. It was quite fun, even though HimChan had to cover up his face so that no fans would recognize him and starts to invade their day. SooHyeon had loads of fun, even it was HimChan that had the wheels.

When the ride was over, they went from a ride to another. They got to the Teacups, Top Spin. Pirate Ship, the Hurricane and not to be missed, the HeartStopper a.k.a the Roller Coaster.

"That was fun," SooHyeon said as they got off the roller coaster. she and HimChan had been screaming their lungs out along the fast ride. Not because they are scared, but because they really had fun.

HimChan gave her a smile. "SooHyeon-ah. Should we get something to eat first? I'm really hungry after all f those rides." He rubs his tummy around, showing that he's really hungry.

"Arasseo. Lets have McDonalds today." SooHyeon flashes him a wide smile before pulling him to the McDonalds that was outside of the amusement park. It was the nearest fast food restaurant there, and also SooHyeon's favourite fast food.

SooHyeon then ordered a set of Spicy Chicken McDeluxe while HimChan wants the BigMac. both of them then finds a private spot in the restaurant so that they could eat peacefully without anyone bothering them. HimChan needs to move his mask away to eat. Surely the fangirls would recognize him then.

After meal, they sat for a while, washing down the burgers wih their drinks before heading back to the amusement park. Tey now play the mini games at the stalls.

SooHyeon's eyes captured something. She tugged on to HimChan's sleeves, making him stop. "HimChan-ah. Win me that bunny please."

"Why should I win it for you? You're not my yoja chingu, right?" he said. He was just teasing SooHyeon around. He loves teasing that girl.

"Ah. But I'm your friend right? Please win it for me. I'll you something if you win it for me."

HimChan then smiled widely, messing up with SooHyeon's hair. "Arasseo. Arasseo. I'll win it for you."

He walked up to the stall and payed before the owner gave him a water gun. 

"If you get to shoot that thing. You'll get to choose which ever you want. Ok?"

HimChan gave the old guy a smile before getting into position. He aimed carefully. His eyes stayed at the figure he was supposed to shoot. He has to win it, for SooHyeon. After waiting for a while, he shoots, and it hits the figure headshot.

SooHyeon was amazed at HimChan's accuracy, despite his bad vision. She cheered as the owner gave him the bunny that was later given to SooHyeon.

"Komawo, HimChan-ah."

"No sweat. Now, what do you want to tell me?"

SooHyeon paused for a sec. She looked straight at HimChan, blushing. "I'll tell you later."

"Fine." That left them in an awkward silent. They wondered around the amusement park, looking around. Slowly, HimChan started to grab SooHyeon's hand again.

"Yah. I'm not a kid ok. I could walk myself," SooHyeon complain. She was wactually having butterflies in her stomach. She really, really liked that guy. She just didnt have the courage to make the confession. She was too afraid of being friendzoned.

"I know. I just like to hold your hand," he said, smiling. He then stopped walking, pulling SooHyeon's hand with him. "Lets get into the ferris wheel. Our last ride for today."

Before SooHyeon could answer, he was already pulling her to the ferris wheel. 'If you're not gonna wait for my answer, you dont even have to ask me..' she thought.

HimChan paid for their ticket. SooHyeon then notice that he was whispering something into the boy's ear. When she asked HimChan about it, he didnt answe. He just pulled SooHyeon with him into the carriage.

After the door was closed, the wheel started to move. But it didnt stop like it always does so that another person could get into the next carriage. It continued to move till the top of the wheel. 

"Hey. What did you tell that ticket guy?" SooHyeon asks.

HimChan just smiled. "Tell me what you wanna tell me first. Then I'll tel you what I told that guy." He gave a cheeky smile. "Come on. You've promise."

"Erm." SooHyeon stares into HimChan's eyes.  She hugs the bunny tightly, eyes staring down on the floor. "HimChan-ah. The thing, that I wanna tell you...is..Um.."

HimChan stared back at SooHyeon. "What? Aw come on."

"I like you. Ok? I really, really like you. You were just too blind to see it. Do you now how frustrated I am? God. I've gave you so many signs but you were just too stupid to see i..."

HimChan kissed SooHyeon, stopping her from babbling. SooHyeon accidentally dropped the bunny to the floor. Her eyes widen from the sudden kiss she gets. 

She pushes HimChan. Her face was as red as ever. "Yah! What was that about?"

HimChan rubs the back of his neck, looking back at SooHyeon shyly. He held SooHyeon's hands firmly, staring her back in the eyes. "SooHyeon-ah. I love you. Since the first day I saw you, sending JunHong for his training session."

"You looked so, sweet, pure, beautiful. And you still do till now." Now, his face is red. "So, Choi SooHyeon. Be mine?"

SooHyeon smiled. She hugs HimChan by the neck. "Surely I do. Pabo. I've been waiting for years. How can I say no. Kim HimChan, you are the biggest pabo that I've ever known."

"Yah. You still like me even if I'm stupid right?" He gave SooHyeon a cheeky smile again and leans in for another kiss, a passionate one.

"Saranghae, Choi SooHyeon. Nomu nomu saranghae."

SooHyeon smiled sweetly. "Oh yeah. What did you told that guy?"

He had a naughty face plastered on his face. He jumps on top of SooHyeon, making her lay down on the seat. "I told him to stop the carriage here, so that I could eat you."

SooHyeon blushes even badly. "Yah Kim HimChan!"

That made him laugh. "I'm just kidding. I told him to stop here so that we could watch the sunset together." He got up from SooHyeon, pulling her up too. He hugs her by the shoulder and lays his head on top of SooHyeon's.

They watched the sunset together, and shared a sunset kiss too. It was indeed, a beautiful day for both of them.


sorry I couldnt do a better one..i'm not feelng well, so i couldnt think of anything..mianei..but i hope you enjoy the whole fanfic..

another one will come out soon..will be informed..

if any of you have any fanfic request, or just a short story..email me at babyfacepanda@yahoo.com or tweet me @yaya_rawrr on twitter.. ^^

so..annyeong for now..will inform bout the next fanfic.. ^^

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